Page 156 - World Under 18 Championships
P. 156


                       What worked                                   •    According to the shuttle provider, he was engaged
                                                                        late hence the lack of uniforms and accreditation
                       •   Scheduling was a success on our part as we did   for the drivers. To mitigate this, procurement of
                          not have confusion pertaining departures on the   service providers should be completed at least a
                          visitor’s end.                                month prior to the event.
                       •   Our transport area at the parking helped visitors   •      e shuttle provider should address issues (such
                          locate us and give us information about trips they   as lunch) with his drivers beforehand rather than
                          would wish to take, hence allowing us to make   on location.
                          the necessary arrangement’s without necessarily
                          leaving our area of operations.            Daily Breakdown
                       •      e shuttle provider availed a team that helped
                                                                     12th July 2017:Its event day, all shuttles are on lo-
                          sort issues that arose with regards to shuttles.
                                                                     cation by 0600hrs and the fi rst shuttle rolls out on
                                                                     schedule at 0700hrs. Morning session goes with-
                                                                     out incidence and the teams are back to Kenyatta
                                                                     University for lunch.
                       •   At times, the buses arrived without fuel, and the
                                                                          e drivers down their tools and threaten not to
                          deviation from the initial fueling plan to have
                                                                     get back to work until their lunch issues are resolved.
                          the buses fuel at National Oil next to Kenyatta
                                                                     After an hour the shuttle provider comes on location
                          University, meant that the buses had to travel all
                                                                     and resolves the issue. He remains on location for
                          the way to shell petrol station at choma zone just
                                                                     the rest of the event.    e drivers get back to work
                          to fuel.    is wasted a lot of time and gave drivers
                          leeway to skip work for an hour or more.
                                                                     ranging from shopping to park visits.
                       •   Teams that did not have events on the particular
                          dates sought to do shopping or park visits.    is
                                                                     13th July 2017: The second day of the event goes
                          meant that we had to divert some of our limited   and no more issues arise. We handle special requests
                     KENYA  YEARBO0K
                                                                     through with absolutely no hitches or concerns,
                          vehicles for these trips.
                                                                     transport and security show cohesion. We have our
                       •      e drivers were not in uniform and not prop-
                                                                     share of special requests, mostly to the shopping
                          erly accredited.    is wasted a lot of valuable time
                          especially with security at the village entrance
                      EDITORIAL BOARD
                          where drivers were often denied access.
                                                                     14th July 2017:    ird day of the event: Vehicles roll
                       •   Dirty and old vehicles. Some of the vehicles en-
                                                                     out as per schedule. We experience a shortage of
                          gaged for this process were in an embarrassing
                          state, including torn seats and dirt. The event
                                                                     port amid reports of better allowances. However,
                          manager had little control on the quality of cars   volunteers yet again as most prefer to be at the air-
                          as they were availed after the competition began   transport operations remain smooth.
                          and never had control on where they would go
                          after day’s activities.                    15th July 2017: Zambia coach    omas Zimba missed
                       •   Drivers downed their tools in protest to the shuttle   his flight to Johannesburg Scheduled at 0600hrs.
                          provider for not providing lunch.             e Zambia Federation changed his departure dates
                                                                     and did not update on the IAAF website, which is
                       Recommendations                               where we derived information to create our departure
                                                                     schedules. With the help of LOC an alternate fl ight is
                       •   Sticking to the schedules and plans is highly ad-  rebooked. We introduce night shift, and request for
                          vised. Case in point the fueling issue and failure   an emergency fl eet to cater for unexpected depar-
                          to dedicate buses to Kenyatta University/athletes   tures. Special requests to the park also increase, but
                          village.                                   the vehicles provided can handle the traffi  c.

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