Page 160 - World Under 18 Championships
P. 160


                       The village closes down and we are instructed to   nication on how many would be at a particular
                       organize transport for the remaining teams to the   place at a particular time. E.g. there were instanc-
                       Stadia Hotel.                                    es in the airport when the number of volunteers’
                                                                        way outnumbered the number of expected guests
                       Volunteer Management                             meaning arranging transport for the volunteers
                                                                        seemed even more diffi  cult than for the guests.
                          ere were 32 volunteers that were allocated to the
                       transport directorate and they were allocated as per   Recommendation
                       the organogram. During operations there were also a
                       lot of interactions with other directorates volunteers   1.   At some point it was suggested that volunteers
                       especially protocol, language and accommodation.
                                                                        should have been appointed with a background
                                                                        of NYS training this would have be an added ad-
                       What worked
                                                                        vantage as some of the volunteers had serious
                                                                        disciplinary issues.
                       1.   Some volunteers were ready to go the extra mile
                                                                     2.   Volunteers training with emphasis on discipline
                          to see the event succeed this was especially dem-
                                                                        should be carried out in advance. Team leaders
                          onstrated when they worked very long hours
                                                                        need to start working a few days in advance in
                          without complaining. For the JKIA transport,
                                                                        order to acclimatize with the role before the rest
                                                                        of the team.
                          volunteer Evans Ngi’endo stood out.
                                                                     3.   Volunteers’ shifts and routines need to follow a
                       2.   After they were kitted, the volunteers enhanced
                                                                        set schedule so that other arrangements such as
                          the overall image of the organization at the air-
                          port and other venues.    eir uniforms served as
                                                                        transport can be done seamlessly, during this
                                                                        event it seemed that the volunteers were just al-
                          a marketing strategy for the event and they were
                                                                        located work randomly so scheduling transport
                          easily spotted by guests.
                                                                        was very hit and miss.
                     KENYA  YEARBO0K
                                                                     4.  Terms and conditions for the volunteers should
                                                                        have been clearly spelt out as a lot of time was
                                                                        wasted on discussing issues on their compensa-
                       1.   Accreditation passes and uniforms were not avail-
                          able from the fi rst day hence making it diffi  cult to
                                                                        tion rather than the work at hand.
                      EDITORIAL BOARD
                          identify the volunteers for travelers who arrived
                                                                     5.      e event organizer needs to be involved in as-
                                                                        sessing the capabilities of the volunteers at some
                          on the 4th, 5th and 6th July.
                                                                        point IMG had to get extra capacity to manage
                       2.   Inadequate arrangement for meals, refreshments
                          and transportation for the volunteers signifi cantly
                          aff ected the morale of some volunteers.       KU and JKIA.
                       3.   Some of the volunteers were not properly trained   Liaison with other Directorates
                          on their roles as it seemed that they came and
                          went at their own pleasure                 IMG took on the role of liaising with other direc-
                       4.      e role of the volunteer team leaders was not   torates.    e main purpose of this was especially to
                          clear.    ey either were not empowered or they   communicate on the daily arrival and departure
                          did not have the knowledge to eff ectively execute   schedules and communication was sent out each
                          their roles.                               day, via email, to the secretariat to communicate;
                       5.   It also proved to be very challenging to organize   this eased the arrangement for protocol, security
                          the volunteer transport as there was no commu-  and transport. Further, there was communication

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