Page 163 - World Under 18 Championships
P. 163
Project Organization and Communication Plan Prof. Vincent. Onywera:
Registrar (Research, Innovation and Outreach)
Purpose Kenyatta University and was the Co-chair of KU
Steering committee.
e purpose of this Communication Management
Plan was to defi ne the communication requirements Project Manager, Mr. Jack T. Njaramba:
for renovation works at the Village throughout the e Project Manager was responsible for day to day
project’s lifecycle. e plan served as a catalyst for management of the Renovation works. e Project
successful project completion by facilitating the in- Manager was also responsible for establishing com-
formation fl ow required for timely decision-mak- munication requirements for the project, chairing
ing, action item tracking, status updates, and overall all project meetings, and submission of all written
understanding of the project goals and deliverables.
Roles and Responsibilities
Liaison Offi cer, Mr. Ndiritu Gikaria:
e Liaison Offi cer was responsible for all commu-
nications relating to LOC operations and specifi ca-
In order to ensure the successful completion of the
Village Renovation works, roles and responsibilities
tions of the non-construction related scopes of the
of all key project personnel were clearly defi ned with
games. As such, the Liaison Offi cer was responsible
for providing, to the Project Manager, all facility-
regards to project communication. To prevent overlap
related feedback for use in project communications.
or gaps in project communication, the following roles
and responsibilities were identifi ed:
ICT Representative, Anthony Mbaabu was the
Project Sponsor
technical representative on all information tech-
nology (IT) matters. As such, the technical repre-
sentative was responsible for providing the Project
1. CEO-Local organizing committee (IAAF) Mr.
Mwangi Muthee
Manager with all related feedback for use in project
2. Vice Chancellor Kenyatta University - Prof. Paul
Daniel M. Mwangi:
e Project Sponsors served as the oversight author- Project Coordinator -Team Lead,
ity, where they were responsible for approving all e project coordinator was an integral part of the
budget and funding requests as well as authorizing renovation works. The contractor team lead was
any change control requests. e LOC, CEO was also responsible for providing status updates for construc-
responsible for providing project status to IAAF. tion and any other construction-related details to the
Project Manager for use in project communications.
Project Team
Project Quantity surveyor: Joseph Kandagor
e University appointed a steering committee to was responsible for the development of the bill of
oversee successful implementation of the project quantities and control of cost through materials req-
as per the contract agreement between Kenyatta uisition control and ensuring reusability of materi-
University and the Local Organizing Committee. als. He was also responsible of following all request
of material to ensure timely delivery /approval of
Prof. Godfrey Mse: resources.
Deputy Vice-Chancellor-Finance and Development
Kenyatta University and was the Chairperson of the Project Architect. Michael Mwangi provided
University Steering Committee technical support in architectural details and speci-
fi cation.