Page 150 - World Under 18 Championships
P. 150


                         the secretariat team from the planning stage   •  Despite the many effi  ciencies gained by electronic
                         through to the end of championships.          communication with volunteers, ensure a personal
                       •  Employ a dedicated senior human resource of-  touch as it is important to have that personal touch
                         fi cial in time to work with each functional area to   early on to engage with workforce.
                         prepare and plan the workforce scheduling pro-  •  Ensure all volunteers and respective team leaders
                         cess and ensure it is resourced properly. During   have the necessary tools for communication.
                         championships time, their role is to manage the
                         workforce programme that runs throughout the   Scheduling
                       •  Plan for a total workforce number across the cham-  •   Scheduling should be integrated with headcount
                         pionships, allowing for attrition and shift fl exibility
                                                                       reviews across the organization.
                         rather than allocating a number on the assumption
                                                                     •   Attendance should be monitored to ensure there
                         all volunteers will work in shifts.
                                                                       are no gaps.    is is also necessary with paid vol-
                       •  Focus on one workforce team for delivery rather
                         than separating operational policies between vol-
                         unteers and offi  cials.
                                                                     •  Assign resourcing to assist functional areas with
                                                                       their operational planning.
                       •  Consider the methods used to advertise the op-
                                                                     •  Arrange cross-functional workshops to ensure
                         portunity to volunteer and whether it should be
                                                                       all necessary activities are included in the roles to
                         a national or local recruitment drive. Ensure the
                                                                       avoid duplication and gaps in the delivery of the
                         methods used fully adhere to the principles of in-
                         clusion and cohesion.
                       •  Establish a support center at the time of volunteer   •  Conduct orientation for all staff  and volunteers
                                                                       to ensure a smooth running program during the
                     KENYA  YEARBO0K
                         recruitment and use it to do late recruitment so the
                         volunteer team can transition to championships-
                         time workforce operational roles.
                      EDITORIAL BOARD
                       Data Management
                                                                     •  Look at climate conditions for the event and ensure
                                                                       adequate uniform range to cope with outside con-
                       •  With large numbers of workforce, ensure IT solu-
                                                                       ditions without the need to compromise the look
                         tions are streamlined and able to be synchronized
                                                                       and feel.
                         with each other. As such, it is important to deter-  •  Plan for slightly more than 10% contingency if you
                         mine needs fi rst and then pick a system. If possible,   have to pre-order uniforms without knowing the
                         link all requirements into one system (recruitment   right sizes.
                         scheduling, communications, uniform, and train-
                         ing).                                       Other
                       •     e systems should be able to capture all the nec-
                         essary individual volunteer details and serve as a   •  Implement a pre-championships volunteer pro-
                         communication portal during the championship.  gramme as this can lead to good learning experi-
                                                                       ences for the volunteers. In turn, this can lead to
                       Communications                                  a strengthened understanding and appreciation
                                                                       for volunteers.    is will completely enhance the
                       •  Develop an internal channel of communication   ‘One Team’ concept for such championships.
                         before the championship to run through the event.   •     e Ministry of Sports should set up a volunteer’s
                            e channel will be responsible for relaying all the   network database to be used in various major
                         information to all the volunteer teams.       events in future.

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