Page 146 - World Under 18 Championships
P. 146




                            he role of the IAAF World Under 18 Athletics   volunteers’ link www.wu18nairobi2017/volunteers.
                            Championships Nairobi 2017 - Volunteer   To be considered as a volunteer you had to register
                       TProgramme was to provide over 1000 volun-    and apply online.    e page requested for personal
                       teers to help with the delivery of the championships   biodata, interests in sports and a specifi c motivation
                                                                     for being a volunteer for the championship. A total
                       and associated events.    e LOC Volunteer Directorate
                                                                     of 5,500 people applied for the positions and only
                       consisted of a Director, Assistant Director and 5
                                                                     1000 posts were available. The number of people
                       Subcommittee members.    e Volunteer Programme
                                                                     who applied made it possible to account for possible
                       comprised of the following key activities:
                                                                     attrition during the championships planning.
                                                                       Recruitment was followed by a four-day vetting
                       1.   Sensitization and activation of the volunteer IAAF
                                                                     workshop which was done in conjunction with the
                          WU18 programme
                                                                     LOC and the national police service.    e vetting pro-
                       2.   Recruitment of volunteers
                                                                     cess analyzed each application and took into account
                       3.   Training of volunteers
                                                                     the requirements from the specifi c user departments.
                       4.   Allocation, orientation and placement of volun-
                                                                          e LOC also recruited a special category of vol-
                       5.   Provision of uniforms to the volunteers

                                                                     1.   Kenya Airways fl ight crew attendants for medal
                       In consultation with the local organizing committee,
                       a decision was made to have an integrated volunteer   unteers from sponsors and affi  liated bodies;
                                                                     2.   National Youth Service who participated in crowd
                     KENYA  YEARBO0K
                       programme that covered not only the core techni-
                                                                        control and security.
                       cal and competition services, but also showcase the
                                                                     3.   Ministry of Education who provided school chil-
                       wider spectator experience. In keeping with inter-
                                                                        dren for the opening and closing ceremonies.
                       national standards, the LOC in conjunction with
                       the IAAF unilaterally agreed to have proper branded
                      EDITORIAL BOARD
                       uniform in support of the programme.
                       Sensitization and activation of the volunteer
                                                                     terms of reference for conducting a training pro-
                       IAAF WU18 programme                              e volunteers subcommittee developed appropriate
                                                                     gramme for the volunteers to be used during the
                          e LOC developed an activation programme that   championship.
                       toured 10 universities over a two-week period.   On approval and identifi cation of the trainer, the
                       During the tour the team was able to sensitize uni-  training was set to take place over a 5 day period.
                       versity students of the upcoming event and to invite   All the vetted volunteers were called for the training
                       them to take up volunteer roles for the champion-  programme which was done in a workshop format.
                       ships.    is ensured that the volunteers to be recruited      e training focused on the following core areas;
                       were from diverse backgrounds representing the
                       Kenyan culture.                               •   Event functional areas i.e. technical services,
                                                                       media , ICT and accreditation, team services,
                       Recruitment of volunteers                       ticketing, medical, medal presentation and cer-
                                                                       emonies, and
                          e recruitment was done through the IAAF World   •   Host functional areas i.e. accommodation , VIP
                       Under 18 Championships Nairobi Website through the   services and transport

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