Page 144 - World Under 18 Championships
P. 144
and provides clear chain of command for timely bers of the current team to any other sporting
decision making and clear plan for anticipating activity due to the invaluable skills gained
and overcoming unprecedented backdrops. • e IAAF could have a sustainable plan in the
local level as a means of boosting the national
Recommendations pride and a source of inspiration, a feeling of
national pride and as providing the athletes a
• Early Planning. e Accommodation Directorate memorable moment this was evident from the
proposes that the planning of diff erent stakehold- Under 18 athletics.
ers could have started much earlier in order syn- • Certifi cate of appreciation should be given early
to all participants in the championships
ergy between diff erent directorates could work Conclusion
eff ectively.
• Accreditation especially in the village which was
Kenyatta University hostel is a necessary work-
e IAAF WU18 championships was conducted
ing tool to manage the large numbers of people
successfully. e Accommodation Directorate
participating in WU18 Games, facilitating their
movements in a fl exible and secure fashion but
delivered its mandate successfully and contrib-
uted to the overall mandate of the local organiz-
the process should be done a month in advance
to avoid any confl icting issues during the event.
ing committees despite the challenges. More so,
• Synergies between directorates is critical to
the championships provided employment and
analyze progress.
opportunities to volunteer and serve the global
• Formulation and signing of contracts especially
community on behalf of the country and thus the
for hotels should be done in good time to avoid
objectives of the World under18 championships
Nairobi 2017 was satisfactorily achieved.
last minute rush.
• e IAAF should consider involving as many mem-