Page 143 - World Under 18 Championships
P. 143


                          e LOC Accommodation Directorate was involved      e directorate are still following on clearing pro-
                       in the securing and approval of the above-mentioned   curement issues and pending payments for hotel
                       areas of accommodation. Formulation of contracts   service providers and perform reconciliations of
                       and signing was conducted under the leadership and   activities in preparation for audit and accountability
                       guidance of members from the LOC legal directorate.  administration.

                       During Event                                     e directorate is also in the process of returning all
                                                                     the items and facilities in its possession for onwards
                       During the events, the directorate together with   disposal by the relevant offi  ces.
                       other directorates communicated and organized for
                       safe delivery of the guest to their respective hotel   Successes

                       rooms and advised on various essential information
                                                                     •   Eff ective and effi  cient delivery of accommoda-
                       that gave the visitors the basic orientations. A total of
                                                                       tion services within the proposed and planned
                       approximately 60 volunteers were distributed among
                       the various accommodation sites.    e main duties
                       of these volunteers included manning the Welcome
                                                                     •   Positive feedback from athletes and delegates.
                                                                       This evident from the recommendations from
                       desk at the reception areas.    is included provid-
                       ing event-related information and disseminating
                                                                       local newspapers and the athletes at the village
                                                                       and in diff erent hotels.
                       requests to the relevant directorates.    ey also dealt
                       with daily check-in and check-out of guests.    is
                                                                     •   Experience gained from the event is invaluable
                       included handing out and receiving of room keys
                                                                     •   Good co-ordination between the accommodation
                                                                       directorate and the hotels
                       (applicable to Kenyatta University athletes’ village)
                          e directorate received the athletes’ village and in
                       conjunction with various service providers man-
                       aged the service provision at the athletes’ village and
                                                                     •   Delay with accreditation which was not in sync
                      KENYA  YEARBO0K
                       administered the bookings and helping the various
                                                                       with zoning areas
                       embassies locate their visitors.
                                                                     •   Extra unexpected numbers that the hotels received
                                                                       (over subscription)
                       Post Event Activities                         •   Transport for accommodation teams from the
                       EDITORIAL BOARD
                                                                       hotels especially the teams which arrived earlier
                       All the visitors, delegates and the athletes were also   •   Hitches of the administration of volunteers both
                       helped in clearance from the athletes’ village and   in terms of the numbers (they were not adequate
                       record of their departures were documented and   volunteers deployed) and their remuneration
                       those who experienced the challenges of scheduled   issues resulting to poor receptions and low morale
                       departures were accommodated until arrangements   that has created a negative impression among the
                       were done to have their fl ight details put in place.  delegates and the athletes.
                       The directorates have embarked on the series of   •   Challenges of personalities pretending to be repre-
                       planned meetings to debrief on the events and plan   senting the directorate and interfering and bring-
                       for the post event phase which include preparation   ing confusion among the hotel service providers.
                       of the detailed reports on the diff erent aspects of the   •   Lack of stable overall organizational structure
                       championships.                                  that spells clear coordination, division of labours

                                                    ACTIVITIES AND OCCURENCES DURING WORLD U18 CHAMPIONSHIPS  | 143
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