Page 147 - World Under 18 Championships
P. 147


                          ere was additional user specifi c training for some
                       directorates for instance; media and broadcasting,   Area                    Percentage
                       ICT and accreditation.                         Protocol and hospitality         90%

                       Allocation, orientation and placement          Catering                          85%
                                                                      Match Services                   90%
                          e various departments within the LOC provided
                       their user requirements which would be used for   Spectator Services             85%
                       allocation. Orientation was planned for in advance   Media Operations            92%
                       and teams called for attendance.     irty professional   Marketing              90%
                       volunteers were engaged by the directorate 6 months
                       before the championships to assist the LOC opera-
                                                                      Sports Presentation
                       tions. All volunteers were engaged two weeks before
                       the championships begun.  All volunteers had to sign
                                                                      ICT and accreditation
                       a commitment letter during orientation.
                       Workforce planning, scheduling
                                                                     Recomendations .
                          e championships involved planning of all guests
                                                                        e IAAF World Under 18 Athletics Championships
                                                                     2017 provided the largest sporting volunteer pro-
                       from the point of arrival to departure.    is meant that
                       there was need to have volunteers in the airport, at
                                                                     gramme in Kenya. The following is a summary of
                       hotels, the athletes’ village, the stadium and warm
                                                                     the key learnings from the championships so that
                       up areas.
                                                                     future major events in Kenya can learn from Nairobi
                                                                     2017 experiences and further develop and build vol-
                      KENYA  YEARBO0K
                                                                     unteering within Kenya.
                                                                     Strategic Planning
                       IAAF through their partner fi rm AMS/DENTSU was
                       responsible for the provision of uniforms for the vol-
                       EDITORIAL BOARD
                       unteers.    e uniforms provided included; one rain   Ensure suffi  cient time is provided for the recruit-
                       jacket, one jumper, two t-shirts, two pairs of socks,   ment, training and testing of volunteers. Be realistic
                       sneakers, a trouser, a short, and a cap per person.  in working with fi nite group of people to be recruited
                                                                     with confi rmed dates from inception.
                                                                     Workforce Management
                       All volunteers were awarded with certificates on
                       completion of the championships.              •  Develop the championships time workforce vision
                                                                       in the early planning stages to avoid mispercep-
                       Volunteer attendance                            tions.
                                                                     •  Recruit paid staff for the Volunteer Programme
                          e Volunteer Programme planned for a 10% attrition   upfront to ensure a highly committed and eff ec-
                       rate, based on other major event models. Attendance   tive team. With any major event, a lot is asked of
                       on event days was tracked through workforce check-  the paid staff  and they need to have, not only the
                       in. When no-shows were identifi ed, essential gaps   skills for the role but the ability to operate at all
                       were fi lled from other volunteer allocations.   levels.
                       Operational areas attendance during the champion-  •  Include a Volunteer/Workforce Communications
                       ships was as follows;                           role (solely assigned resource) to be based within

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