Page 139 - World Under 18 Championships
P. 139


                       Challenges                                    iii.   Windsor Arcade
                                                                     iv.   Windsor meeting room 1 – 5 corridors
                       •   Volunteer accreditation clearance was delayed.  v.   Signage in all meeting rooms
                       •   Pick up of volunteer uniforms during the event
                          days aff ected there reporting on duty.     Safari Park Hotel & Casino
                       •   Pick up of volunteers from Kasarani was delayed
                          due to lack of transport.                  Technical Staff  and Legends
                       •   Calling for volunteer meetings during the event   accommodation
                          aff ected their duty stations.
                       •   Volunteers did not have airtime during the event.
                                                                     During the World under 18 championships held in
                                                                     Nairobi Kenya, Safari park hotel & Casino hosted
                                                                     50 technical staff  and 100 athlete legends.    e hotel

                                                                     was allocated 7 volunteers from LOC. Guests started
                       •   Accreditation of volunteers should have been given
                                                                     arriving on the 3rd of July.
                       •   Uniforms should be issued before the event.
                                                                     What worked
                                                                         Safari park was very cooperative, especially
                                                                         when there was need for printing or photo-
                       •      e business Centre located at the Windsor Arcade
                                                                         copying services.
                          was used as storage space.
                                                                     ii.   Supply of water and sodas was adequate.
                       •      e store was used to receive all
                                                                         airtime worth ksh1, 000.
                              Offi  ce stationery
                                                                     iv.      e accommodation volunteers were very ef-
                          ii.   Welcome Bags                         iii.   Volunteers at safari park were provided with
                                                                         fi cient.
                      KENYA  YEARBO0K
                          iii.   Competition delegates uniform
                                                                     v.      e legends and technical staff  were gifted with
                          iv.   Masaai Shukas
                                                                         150 Maasai Shukas.
                          v.   Vikoys
                                                                     vi.   Transport was readily available.
                       What worked                                   vii.   Medical team provided health services to the
                       EDITORIAL BOARD
                                                                         legends at Safari park.

                       •   Items received at the store were recorded and   Challenges
                          received together with the concierge, LOC rep-
                          resentative & the Security.                         e volunteers had to go and eat at Kasarani
                       •      e team receiving ensured that a proper record   (which was far from the hotel) then come back
                          of all items received was inventoried and items   to Safari park; this made some of the volun-
                          that left the store were signed for too.        teers lack food.    e LOC Head of Operations
                                                                          intervened and the situation was resolved.    is
                       Branding                                           happened during the fi rst three days.
                                                                         ii.      ere was no provision of safari tour services
                          e IAAF Branding was allocated in the following   at Safari park Hotel, which made the guests
                       areas:                                             unhappy since they could not tour.
                                                                         iii.     ere were no linguists to assist in translation,
                       i.   Lobby area                                    when the legends wanted to interact with the
                       ii.   Windsor Terrace                              technical offi  cials.

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