Page 210 - World Under 18 Championships
P. 210
ey were:
(Heroes and Heroines of Kenya Athletics) 1: Ms Susan Kamau - (Athletics Kenya CEO -
2: Mr Billy Konchellah - (IAAF WU18 Nairobi
Championships Steering Committee member)
raft Sub-committee for Heroes and 3: Mr Douglas Wakiihuri (IAAF WU18 Nairobi cham-
Heroines participation at the IAAF WU18
DChampionships, Nairobi 2017 pionships Steering Committee member).
Introduction Scope of Work
e idea of inviting the athletes and specifi cally the
e above Sub Committee was appointed by the Local
fi rst two categories mentioned above was to inspire
Organizing Committee on May 1 2017 fi rst bringing
the “Team Kenya” at the IAAF WU18 Championships,
rally Kenyans and appreciate the men and women
who helped shape Kenya to the best athletics nation
1: Mr Mwangi Muthee - (Local Organizing
in the world.
Committee Chief Executive Offi cer)
is would enable the youth see for the fi rst time
2: Mr Gishinga Njoroge - (Team Leader)
the journey so far covered.
3: Mr Julius Kariuki- (Athlete’s coordinator)
e expanded Sub-Committee had meeting six
4: Mr Charles Ouko- (Statistician & Athletes
statisticians the opportunity to update on all facets
of preparations. Mr Charles Ouko was dispatched
6: Mr Peter Michael Njoroge - (ICT help)
to the Rift Valley and stayed there for one week co-
5: Mr Peter Njenga- (Statistician) times before the championships to plan and give the
ordinating travel of the athletes.
eir mandate was to reach out to athletes divided
Mr Gishinga Njoroge and Mr Peter Njenga reached
in three categories
out athletes from all over the country from their
Nairobi operation base in their respective offices.
1: e Pioneers – (Colonial pre-Independence, to
Mr Julius Kariuki coordinated the above mission
immediate post-Independence
before re locating to Nairobi a week before the cham-
2: Olympic medalists
3: IAAF World Championships medalists
It should be noted that this team worked self-
4: Commonwealth Games medalists lessly using their own resources with Mr Njoroge
facilitating Mr Ouko in his mission. Mr Njoroge was,
Sub-committee, specifi cally Charles Ouko, Peter therefore, owed Sh50, 400. ey also publicized this
Njenga and Peter Michael Njoroge were to compile exercise in online and mainstream media platforms
targeted athletes’ bio data, contact them and come besides their research work.
out with a comprehensive directory, the fi rst one in Progress report was sent to the LOC CEO and the
Kenya’s athletics history. Sub-Committee Secretary respectively on a daily
is meant developing a network and members
(Charles Ouko, Peter Njenga) travelled to various basis before the Sub- Committee was expanded and
especially during the championships.
parts of the country before compiling a list of 151
e Sub- Committee was expanded on June 29
and offi cials received their letters of appointments