Page 207 - World Under 18 Championships
P. 207


                       Bay 8: Machakos County                        •  Procurement process took too long with approvals
                                                                       to procure the necessary promotional materials
                       Day 9& 10: Nairobi County                       needed
                                                                     •  Some top County offi  cial were not available, com-
                          e caravan arrived at Kasarani Stadium where it   munication to the counties needed to go ahead of
                       packed awaiting to start again on the 10th of July   time to prepare the offi  cials.
                       2017 where it would be joined by the Nairobi county   •     e route of the caravan was changed to accom-
                       caravan to go on opposite directions around Nairobi   modate other neighboring counties.
                       and its outskirts creating awareness and inviting the   •  Proper route for the caravan was to be advertised
                       masses to Kasarani Stadium.    e two caravans, the   on social media and media print to attract the
                       WU18 caravan and Nairobi Caravan were both fl agged   Recommendations
                       off by the Governor Evans Kidero. Both caravans
                       were issued with merchandise to give out to create
                       awareness and engage the people of Nairobi County
                                                                     •     e caravan should start at least 30 days before
                       to come and fi ll the stadium and support Team Kenya
                                                                       the actual event
                       and also cheer on the other athletes.
                                                                     •  Communications to the various counties to be

                                                                       confi rmed before time
                                                                     •  Promotional material to be produced before time

                                                                       to assist with the marketing of the event
                       •  Being an election campaign period the county
                                                                     •  Involve a lot of private partners during the caravan
                         offi  cial took time to fl ag off  the roadshow
                       •  Lack of promotional materials
                      KENYA  YEARBO0K

                       EDITORIAL BOARD

                                                   ACTIVITIES AND OCCURENCES DURING WORLD U18 CHAMPIONSHIPS  | 207
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