Page 204 - World Under 18 Championships
P. 204


                       •  Raiply donated all the trees seedlings that were   Because he was fasting and unlike others not busy
                         planted. Kaptagat forest is valuable and a critical   engaged in the massive eating, drinking and merry
                         water catchment area, biodiversity and carbon   making on the train on the train, the appropriately
                         reservoir alongside habitat for wildlife.   named [given the Islam religious period] Ramadhan
                       •  It is also an important source of livelihood for   Divayu Babisan from Tana River became the choice
                         community members who derive from it em-    of many interviewers from ‘Capital Fm’, ‘Nation
                         ployment, fuel wood, honey, building materials,   Media Group’, etc, and his opinions about the SGR
                         medicinal herbs among other important products   were instantly widely circulated.
                         and services.
                       •     e rivers that originate from the forests in the
                         region are key sources of water for Lake Victoria
                         and Lake Turkana basins.

                       Standard Gauge Railway Launch
                       (May 21, 2017)

                       MOMBASA, Wednesday, May 31 – THE business of
                       those from the Local Organizing Committee who
                       rode on the President Uhuru Kenyatta’s inaugu-
                       ral trip on the Standard Gauge Railway [SGR] train
                       from Miritini, Mombasa to Syokimau, Nairobi on
                       Wednesday was to engage with travelers about what
                       they knew about the forthcoming IAAF World U18
                       Championships in Nairobi on July 12-16, the biggest
                       sporting event Kenya has ever hosted.
                     KENYA  YEARBO0K
                         There is hardly a Kenyan who may not know
                       something about and appreciate the performance
                       of Kenyan athletes on the international stage.    ey
                       know the formation of this greatness is the children
                      EDITORIAL BOARD
                       and youth in schools and at junior sporting cham-
                       pionships round the country.
                         They’ve heard of the International Association
                       of Athletics Federations [IAAF] World Under 18
                       Championships to be held at Kasarani and wish the
                       country will do well, or in fact come out as the best
                       among about 141 countries and about 2,000 ath-
                       letes that will attend at the Moi International Sports
                       Centre, Kasarani and stay at the Athletes Village in
                       Kenyatta University.
                         To many on the inaugural SGR ride on Wednesday
                       it was a huge co-incidence that the historic launch
                       of the biggest development project that the country
                       has ever undertaken should come literally at the same
                       time with the WU18 Championships.

               Promoting the WU18 Champions on the Standard Gauge Railway (SGR)
               launch (top and bottom) and among cultural dancers (middle) during
               the Kenya Secondary Schools Sports Association national games at
               Shimo la Tewa, Mombasa

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