Page 206 - World Under 18 Championships
P. 206


                       Kapsabet Stadium which has been designed to the   Day 5: Nakuru County
                       International Standards will promote the sport and
                       enable Kenya host International competitions in      e Caravan made a triumphant to Nakuru County
                       future.                                       where the Deputy Governor Mr. Joseph Rutto fl agged
                                                                     off  the caravan and urged the residents of Nakuru
                       Nyamira County                                to attend the event next week as it will be the last
                          e Caravan extended its journey to Nyamira County   He called on the management of schools in the
                       where the Governor did not show up to fl ag off  the   region to organize for pupils and students to attend
                       caravan but David Ogechi Secretary General of   as they will be admitted free of charge.
                       Athletics Kenya Nyamira County was able to fl ag off
                                                                       “I urge the youth to make sure they attend the
                       the caravan into Nyamira County where the Caravan
                                                                     World Under-18 Championships because they will
                       interacted with the crowd that followed into town to
                                                                     have a lot to learn and also cheer up the local boys
                       engage them on the dates for the event and why it
                                                                     and girls as they win medals for Kenya,” said Ruto.
                       was important for them to come cheer Team Kenya
                                                                     Ruto said that Nakuru County was proud to have
                       and also some people participated in answering ques-
                                                                     produced Faith Chepng’etich, who won 1,500m gold
                       tions and performing and were able to be awarded
                                                                     for Kenya at the 2016 Rio Olympic Games in Brazil.
                       with refl ector jackets, t-shirts and also
                                                                     Day 6: Laikipia County
                       Day 3: Keroka – Kisii County

                                                                     In Laikipia County the caravan was welcomed by
                       Kisii Governor James Ongwae extolled the virtues of
                       Kenya hosting the global championships. Speaking at
                                                                     cheered and were happy to be associated with the
                       the Kisii County Government headquarters when he
                                                                     WU18 championship as they got kitted with t-shirts
                       fl agged off  the caravan, Governor Ongwae said the   athletes who were doing their morning run they
                                                                     as a token of appreciation.     e caravan was fl agged
                     KENYA  YEARBO0K
                       July 12-16 Championships will leave a strong legacy.
                                                                     off  by Deputy Count Commissioner who was repre-
                       He said he was proud that his county had provided a
                                                                     senting the Governor who sent his apologies for not
                       number of athletes to Kenya’s team to the champion-
                                                                     attending but he gave his support and welcomed the
                       ship, among them sprinter Mary Moraa.    e Form
                                                                     caravan to the county.
                      EDITORIAL BOARD
                       Two student at Mogonga Secondary is among six
                                                                     Day 7: Nyeri County
                       other students from the Gusii region who will repre-
                       sent Kenya at the global youth event. He was offi  cially
                       invited and was handed a ticket to the Championship
                       he fl agged off  the caravan and welcomed everyone   In Nyeri County was hosting the National Term 2b
                                                                     High School games this was a great opportunity for
                       to Kisii County.                              the caravan to interact with athletics and sports
                                                                     lovers and invite them to the games and enable them
                       Day 4: Kericho County                         to cheer Team Kenya and have the experience of
                                                                     seeing the newly renovated stadium and as see inter-
                       In Kericho County the Deputy Governor of Kericho   national athletes competing against the home team.
                       County Susan Kikwai was kitted with a cap and      e caravan was fl agged off  at the Governor’s offi  ce
                       a T-shirt she fl agged off  the caravan and engaged   by the County’s Chief Offi  cer of special programmes,
                       the crowd by informing them about the upcoming   youth and sports Beth Karimi and Douglas King’ori
                       event and why it is such an important opportunity   on behalf of the Governor.    e Caravan proceeded to
                       for Kenya and also for our children. She has formally   go to the games where school children we asked if
                       invited and handed a dummy ticket as a symbol she   they were aware of the upcoming games and those
                       also encouraged us to go through Kericho County and   who answered the queries were given t-shirts and
                       have a cup of tea.    e caravan engaged the crowds   caps as reward.
                       and handed them rewards when they answered
                       questions or participated in dancing and cheering.

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