Page 203 - World Under 18 Championships
P. 203
Recommendation: Promotions/Activation
• Branding should be done in good time to enhance • Promotion of the event was done through school
promotion and cover the entire stadium and county involvement. Since it was a junior
• Dressing and branding must conform to the re- event, it is better to have the inclusion of School
quirements of IAAF/Dentsu and any changes must and University going children.
be approved.
Areas of activation
IAAF (Value in kind)VIK
Offi cials • Iten – School activation
Volunteers • Pre-trials in Eldoret for team Kenya
• Kaptagat Forest during the annual tree growing
with school
• Standard Gauge Railways (SGR) Launch
Athletes Media VIP Bags
• Kenya Secondary Schools’ Sports Association
(KSSSA) games - Mombasa
Uniforms - Challenges
• National team selections both for the IAAF WU18
and seniors
• 10 county caravan activations
• e shipment was coming from diff erent parts of
the world, thus some delays
Kaptagat Forest Tree Growing with School
• e clothing came in very late due to delays clear-
ing goods at the port of entry
The LOC for the IAAF WU18 Championships was
• Distribution of the uniform started late; by the
time teams were coming in most of volunteers
taking part in the National Tree Planting Program
at the Kaptagat Forest in Elgeyo Marakwet County
did not have uniforms
as a legacy program for the World under 18
• Distribution was really tricky because uniforms
were being done last minute and in a rush
“As you all know, the biggest threat in the world
• Seiko and Deltatre offi cials also had their uniform
delivered late
• Boxes were not properly marked, we had to open today is degradation of the environment, so in the
spirit of recovering this, IAAF has come in to ensure
the conservation of the environment by participating
all the boxes to verify the content
• e trousers size did not fi t the offi cials in this tree planting exercise,” said Joseph Lagat, the
• We had some shoes boxes which had the same leg Director for Marketing in the LOC.
• Technical offi cials got their uniforms late; they The sports officials, accompanied by multiple
produced their uniform distribution list late and world distance running champions were not left
they were more than the required 200 offi cials. out during this exercise of planting trees and inspect
• Some technical offi cial had to use the Volunteers the deforested damage on Kaptagat Forest, a natural
uniforms reserve which is a great contributor towards sports
development in the region as it is home to a number
Recommendations of athletics training facilities.
“ e objective of the programme, which runs up
• Well labelled boxes for uniforms from the distribu- to 2020, is to eradicate poverty through enhancing
tor. the productivity of Kenya’s critical ecosystems and
• Well-kept register of distribution of the uniforms enhance resilience to climate change and to improve
• Uniforms to be brought in early to ease distribu- the quality and quantity of ecosystem services,”
tion emphasised Cabinet Secretary Judy Wakhungu