Page 202 - World Under 18 Championships
P. 202
Comments Recommendation
Signage were place in all the areas, Kenyatta univer- • Advance signage for all the parking areas and a
sity, Moi International sports stadium - Kasarani and corresponding VAAP on the parking area.
Airport. e main reason was for easy access for the • Defi ned gates are necessary for easy fl ow.
athletes, offi cials and general public. • Parking passes should be present to the partners
in advance.
• Tasking to have all the signage according to the Airport branding
• Last minute request for zoning signage was re-
quested by the delegates
• Defi ning the access points and signage areas
• TORs were presented to Procurement but were
not approved.
• We were to use the cut -off s in roundabouts and
some venues
• Registration at KIPI was delayed.
• Collective decisions on the signage points should
• Subsequently the mascot production was never
be done at least 6 weeks before the event.
• A fl oor map should be developed in advance
• Brief the team on the fl oor map in advance to help
access control
• Approval for mascot design should be done in
VAAP/ Parking Passes Recommendation
good time since it requires to be trademarked and
• Production of parking passes
ordered for production.
• Seek approval for the designs from IAAF
• e Mascot should be produced at least two (2)
months prior to the event to go on promotions
activations to promote the event.
Stadium Dressing
• The original designs for the VAAP/PARKING
PASSES were changed to suit the requirements
of IAAF, this had to go for redesigning and ap-
in good time.
proval process. A clean stadium was to be provided which was done
• Defi ning the parking was not well communicated.
• Defi ned parking spaces were not well communi- Look and feel stadium dressing during the
cated event
• The approved Parking passes looked too small,
hence the reason for designing larger ones. Challenges
• ere was subsequent excess printing of the park-
ing passes than the available space • e stadium was branded with the title sponsors
• Parking passes were provided in categories of VVIP, i.e. Safaricom and Magical Kenya. is had not
VIP, IAAF, LOC, Technical Services, Teams, Buses been approved by IAAF/ AMS Dentsu.
and Suppliers. However, they were not utilized as • Dressing was not completed on time.
issued due to poor coordination and communica- • Inside the stadium the paint color was more of a
tion. bright pink and not the red approved in the look
and feel