Page 230 - World Under 18 Championships
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                       Legal                                         8.   To maximize and protect the rights of the
                                                                        Organizing Member, Athletics Kenya, on prod-
                                                                        ucts and services provided by the Commercial
                       Legal Overview
                                                                        Affiliates through a co- ordinated and well-
                                                                        defi ned marketing programme for the general
                                                                        development of the sport of athletics and the
                                                                        benefi t of the IAAF, the Organizing Members,
                            he Head of Legal, Jinaro Kibet and his assistant,   DENTSU and the Events;
                            Faith Jepkemoi Bett were appointed through   9.   To advice on the regulation and protection of
                       TKenya Gazette Notice Number 5557 of 22nd July   10. To liaise with the IAAF and DENTSU legal team
                                                                        trademarks and all intellectual property rights
                       2016 to assist in preparing for the Event. A legal sub-
                                                                        over the event;
                       committee was subsequently appointed on the 19th
                       of October 2016 by the CEO in consultation with the
                       head of legal comprising Bryan Muindi and Caesar
                                                                     IAAF WU18 contracting standards
                       Wanjao.    e department worked closely with the
                       entire Local Organizing Committee (the “LOC”) due
                                                                       e IAAF guidelines
                       its broad mandate of ensuring all the legal procedures
                       and requirements were adhered to.
                                                                     The Legal Department prepared a checklist that
                                                                     originated from the Event Organizing Committee
                       Objectives for the legal department
                                                                     as well as the various Guidelines from the IAAF  that
                       1.  To review the Event Organizing Agreement (“the
                          EOA”) dated 18/10/2014 executed by Athletics
                          Kenya, the Ministry of Sports, culture and the
                                                                     •    e IAAF Accommodation Guidelines
                          Arts, Dentsu Incorporated and the International   •    e IAAF Marketing Guidelines
                                                                     •     e IAAF Protocol Guidelines
                          Association of Athletic Federations (“IAAF”);
                     KENYA  YEARBO0K
                                                                     •     e IAAF Technical Guidelines
                       2.  To review any legal documents drafted by exter-
                                                                     •     e IAAF Broadcasting Guidelines
                          nal counsel or any other third party in relation
                                                                     •     e IAAF Website Guidelines
                          to the LOC;
                                                                     •    e IAAF Hospitality Guidelines and;
                       3.   To off er legal advice to the LOC and the various
                      EDITORIAL BOARD
                                                                     •     e IAAF Transport Guidelines
                          departments within it;
                       4.   To liaise with the Attorney General’s offi  ce and/
                                                                     These checklists formed the basis of the different
                          or any external legal adviser and coordinate any
                          litigation mounted by or against the LOC;   contracts that were prepared and reviewed. They
                                                                     were used to ensure that the various departments
                       5.  To review contracts drawn by external legal ad-  remained within their stipulated mandates when
                          visers and/or any third party and to ensure that   organizing the Event.    e Checklists also assisted in
                          the LOC off ers the best possible organizational   familiarizing the LOC with the requirements of the
                          framework meeting international standards   Commercial Partners and Affi  liates who participated
                          for hosting the World Championship event in   during the event.
                          Nairobi;                                        e checklists also provided information on the
                       6.  To review contracts drawn between the LOC and   use and protection of the intended event marks
                          Commercial Affi  liates, DENTSU, suppliers and   and colors. This information formed a basis for
                          the IAAF to ensure conformity with local laws;   Intellectual Property laws and regulations which
                       7.   To maximize and protect the rights granted to the   the Legal Department outlined in all the contracts.
                          Commercial Affi  liates, DENTSU, the IAAF and
                          the Organizing Member and their participation      e EOA also contained information on the insur-
                          in the Events and to ensure that their marketing   ance policies to be acquired by the LOC as well as
                          objectives are fulfi lled;
                                                                     the values of the insurance policies.

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