Page 235 - World Under 18 Championships
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cargo handling fees as part of their sponsorship Accommodation contracts
for the event. e discounts were acceptable as
Value in Kind consideration for the granting of e LOC contracted fi ve (5) hotels to accommodate
National Partner rights by the LOC. e airline the IAAF family and offi cials. ese were
also provided the following services as value in
kind sponsorship: 1. e Kenya School of Monetary Studies
2. e Windsor Golf Club and Hotel
3. e Sports View Hotel
3. Sarova hotels 4. e Safari Park Hotel
5. e Stadion Hotel
The ‘Sarova Hotels, Resorts & Game Lodges’ e Legal department compiled contracts for these
sponsored the event as a National partner and
also provided hospitality and catering for the
essential hotels that were used during the entirety
event as well as the closing banquet.
of the event both as meeting areas and for accom-
modation purposes. The IAAF Accommodations
National Suppliers
Guidelines outlined the type of hotel that each top
IAAF members were to be placed.
A supplier had to provide the LOC with value in kind
consideration and be approved by Dentsu or the IAAF
in order to be a National supplier. ere could only be
8 National suppliers for the event and each was per-
Under the EOA, the LOC was required to secure and
mitted to use the designation: ‘National Supplier of
maintain an insurance policy issued by a well-known
IAAF World Under18 Championships, Nairobi 2017’;
and secure insurance company for the following
e LOC contracted Parapet Cleaners and Coca Cola
as the National suppliers with Rights granted in the
IAAF Marketing Guidelines and the EOA.
1. The risk of damages which may be suffered by
Athletics Kenya, the LOC, the Ministry of Sports,
In consideration of provision of bottled drinks- as
Culture and the Arts, and the OAAF or DENTSU as
value in kind, the LOC granted Coca Cola the non-
exclusive right to use the Event Marks during the a result of cancellation, abandonment, postpone-
ment, curtailment of the event or a substantial
event on the packaging of Coca Cola Products and failure of the television coverage of the event or
in all printed, promotional and publicity materi- parts thereof for reasons beyond the control of the
als, on merchandise and/or in radio and television IAAF, DENTSU, Athletics Kenya and the Ministry
commercials in connection with its designation as of Sports, Culture and the Arts including the loss
a National Supplier, without being liable to the LOC of income from ticket sales, national partners etc
for any royalties, fees or other type of payment. (‘Cancellation insurance’);
In consideration of the grant of National Supplier 2. e risk of general liability or damages resulting
rights by the LOC under, Parapet contracted to from or arising out of the organization and stag-
provide to the LOC a Value in Kind, contribution of ing of the event including any liability in respect
cleaning services whilst the LOC granted Parapet of spectators and the staff members and contrac-
the National Supplier benefi ts. tors of the IAAF, DENTSU, the LOC, Athletics