Page 21 - May 2019
P. 21

Feature Story
       also be a forward shooter, against an   an opponent, the size of the air combat   sure to challenge this project. Australia
       adversary  equipped  with  long-range   arm  is  constrained.  It  becomes  a   must resist calls for projects like Loyal
       airpower, while the F-35s and Wedgetail   boutique force. In a future crisis against   Wingman to be cancelled on ethical or
       can stay out of harm’s way.          a major-power adversary, that would be   legal grounds. The platforms will depend
          Alternatively,  in  a  role  to  support   a disadvantage—we can’t afford to lose   on trusted autonomy, with humans ‘on
       strike missions, the UCAVs could use   any because we have too few fast jets   the loop’, and any use of force will be
       their long-range ISR sensors and EW   in the sky. A larger force is better able to   made  with  human  oversight.  Unlike
       capabilities, and potentially precision-  exploit Lanchester’s square law to the   our  adversaries  who  don’t  need  to
       attack munitions, to identify and supress   RAAF’s  benefit. The  Loyal  Wingman   adhere to legal and ethical constraints
       enemy  integrated  air  defences. That   begins  that  process  of  building  a   on LAWs, Western liberal democracies
       would  open  up  a  path  for  the  F-35s   larger, more powerful RAAF, and that’s   will always need to operate systems like
       and fourth-generation aircraft like the   precisely the path Australia needs to   Loyal Wingman with the laws of armed
       Super Hornet and Growler to strike at   take in preparing for the next war.  conflict in mind.
       high-value targets.                    The  Loyal  Wingman  will  allow     Finally,  there  are  the  defence
          In  both  cases,  long-range  power   Australia  to  effectively  exploit  future   industry  and  export  benefits.  Boeing
       projection  and  protection  are  of  key   air combat technology developments   Australia is designing and building the
       importance. The Loyal Wingman could   coming out of US programs like the US   Loyal Wingman locally, establishing a
       restore a significant amount of the long-  Air Force’s penetrating counter-air and   sophisticated  aerospace  design  and
       range strike power the RAAF lost with   the US Navy’s ‘F/A-XX’ (formerly known   production  capability. This  could  see
       the retirement of the F-111C in 2010.   as ‘sixth-generation fighter’ projects),   Australia  energise  a  new  sector  of
       Although the Wingman is much smaller   which will be based heavily on manned–  its  defence  industry,  complementing
       than the F-111C and carries a smaller   unmanned teaming technologies. We
       payload,  the  emphasis  on  low-cost   are taking our first steps towards the   shipbuilding and other high-technology
       development means more UCAVs can     types of platforms that could one day   sectors. It would add to our defence
       be acquired. Local production will make   replace the F-35, and we are getting   export portfolio to key allies, including
       it easier to keep on acquiring them as   there faster than originally planned.  the  Five  Eyes  countries.  It  would
       and when we need more. This will allow   Learning  to  operate  manned  and   establish Australia as the leader in a
       us to exploit combat mass and boost the   unmanned systems as a network—a   global  supply  and  support  chain  for
       potential of the RAAF’s future strike and   ‘system  of  systems’—is  crucial. The   Loyal Wingman operators around the
       air combat capability through swarming   key  is  not  just  resilient  data  links   world.
       networks of autonomous shooters and   that  maintain  networks,  but  also  the   Loyal  Wingman  was  the  biggest
       sensors.                             development of trusted autonomy so   story  coming  out  of Avalon,  and  it
          That’s  a  good  move.  One  of  the   that platforms like Loyal Wingman don’t   may even surpass the F-35’s blazing
       major  challenges  facing  the  RAAF   have to depend on human control.  performance in the skies as the cutting
       is that by investing in very high-tech   That  aspect  may  generate     edge of future Australian airpower.
       exquisite platforms like the F-35, which   controversy. Advocates  of  a  ban  on   Malcolm Davis is a senior analyst at ASPI.
       exploit technological overmatch against   lethal autonomous weapons (LAWs) are   Images courtesy of Boeing.

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