Page 23 - May 2019
P. 23

Feature Story
       laws of armed conflict. This new kind   indeed  true  that  the  current  set  of   launching air or surface campaigns.
       of conflict has been clubbed under the   adversaries do not have significant air   Control of the air may not be contested
       generic term ‘irregular war’.        power capabilities that could contest   by  state-of-the-art,  technologically
          The normal adversary in an irregular   control of the air.            sophisticated  airborne  systems  in
       war, which typifies contemporary conflict,   However, developments in air power   irregular wars. However, control of the
       does  not  always  possess  significant   have  made  it  possible  for  irregular   air is an asymmetry that conventional
       air  power  capabilities.  On  the  other   forces  to  contest  control  of  the  air   military forces leverage in combating
       hand, the regular military forces of the   through the concept of denial of the use   non-state entities. Therefore, the irregular
       nation-state tend to use their air power   of airspace in a designated area and for   adversary will always attempt to degrade
       capabilities as the first-choice weapon,   a pre-designated period of time. In an   the  asymmetric  advantage  through
       emphasising air power’s ability to apply   asymmetrical manner this is also control   multifarious activities. The proliferation
       force with discrimination, proportionality   of the air delineated in time and space.   and easy access to highly sophisticated
       and precision. Air power’s rapid reaction   It will be necessary for the nation-state’s   and effective air defence systems aid the
       capability  also  becomes  an  asset  in   air power to neutralise such defensive   adversary to contest control of the air,
       combating irregular forces. Under these   bubbles and gain control of the air. This   in an asymmetric manner. In turn, one
       circumstances, control of the air is not   is only one aspect of irregular warfare.  asymmetric advantage is being neutralise
       contested  and  the  air  assets  of  the   The proliferation of missile technology   by another asymmetric capability.
       nation-state are free to roam in a benign   and its ready availability to the non-state   The characteristics and conduct of
       environment without having to fight to   actors have created another challenge.   war  have  changed;  conventional  air
       obtain the necessary control of the air.   Surface-to-surface  missiles  create  a   power ranges through benign airspace
       This has been the case nearly for the   situation  where  friendly  forces  come   in unquestioned control; but control of
       past three decades.                  under fire and could be denied freedom to   the air and the need to fight to obtain and
          This situation has led to the need to   manoeuvre. Again, control of the air needs   maintain it at the required level can only
       obtain and maintain definitive control   to be obtained in these circumstances   be underplayed at the one’s own peril.
       of  the  air  to  being  questioned  in  the   with the degradation or destruction of the   Airpower Development Centre
       planning  and  execution  of  normal   missile-launch facilities. The increasing   U.S. Marine Corps Capt. Christopher Prout
       military operations.                 sophistication of air defence systems that   with Marine Fighter Attack Squadron (VMFA)
          The inference from the current state   have also become available to irregular   232, Marine Aircraft Group 11, 3rd Marine
       of affairs in the battlespace is that the   forces makes the need to establish control   Aircraft  Wing  shoots  a AIM-7  Sparrow
       assets that have been specialised for   of the air a critical factor. The air losses   missile from a F/A-18C Hornet aircraft
       achieving control of the air are better   inflicted by air defence systems to the   near Tyndall Air  Force  Base
       utilised elsewhere.                  Soviet air forces in Afghanistan during   Florida, 3D Marine.
          There  are  also  viewpoints,  often   the erstwhile Soviet Union’s ill-fated,
       vociferously expressed, that air forces   decade-long intervention there from 1979
       themselves could be abolished, based   is a classic example of the critical
       on the premise that control of the air is   need to obtain control of
       a given and therefore air power only   the air before
       needs  to  ‘support’  the  surface  battle
       through strikes when required.
          This view is completely
       incorrect. It is

                                                                        U.S. Marines fire the Stinger® weapon system during
                                                                      Exercise Cold Response 16 in Orland, Norway, Feb. 24,
                                                                                2016. (Photo: U.S. Department of Defense)

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