Page 22 - May 2019
P. 22

Feature Story




       The first dedicated role that air power   within the military aviation community   and air defence capabilities. Control of
       undertook as a military power projection   that the fundamental role of air power,   the air, therefore, is an essential criterion
       capability  was  that  of  observation,   its raison d’etre, would be to establish   for the success of all military operations.
       which has over the years developed   control of the air over the battlespace.   This fundamental premise has been a
       into  the  sophisticated  capacity  to   In the interwar years that followed, the   tenet of military planning since World
       carry  out  intelligence,  surveillance   battlespace by itself started to be defined   War II.
       and reconnaissance (ISR). However,   in  different  ways  and  the  concept  of   The  nature  of  war—the  quest  to
       simultaneous  to  the  development  of   control of the air also started to become   achieve political objectives through the
       the observation role, it was recognised   a more  sophisticated  idea. This  was   application of force—has not changed
       that control of the air was a prerequisite   bound to happen with the technology-  over the years. However, in the past few
       for its success, since the safety of the   enhanced improvements taking place   decades the characteristics and conduct
       Observer platform could only be ensured   in the application of air power.  of war have altered significantly. Nations
       by controlling the air around it. From the   So what is control of the air? The Air   do not legally declare war anymore even
       very  beginning  of  aerial  warfare,  the   Power Manual (RAAF) defines control   when their military forces are engaged
       need to fight for, obtain and then maintain   of  the  air  as  ‘the  ability  to  conduct   in  brutal  combat.  More  importantly,
       control of the air was understood by both   operations in the air, land and maritime   contemporary wars are in no manner
       tacticians and strategists.          domains without effective interference   similar to the wars that were fought up to
          From the need to protect a crucial   from adversary air power and air defence   the 1990s. Today, wars are better termed
       asset in the air to ensuring that own   capabilities’. Control of the air provides   conflicts and are normally fought between
       surface  forces  were  not  subject  to   a  military  force  with  the  freedom  to   the military forces of a nation-state and
       attacks from the air was a small step   attack, freedom from attack and freedom   some amorphous non-state entity (ies)
       during the initial phases of World War I.  to  manoeuvre,  achieved  through   who pursue objectives that are intangible
          By the time World War I came to an   the  disruption,  degradation  and/or   and adopt warfighting methods that pay
       end there was an implicit understanding   destruction of the adversary’s air power   no  heed  to  the  universally  accepted

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