Page 33 - May 2019
P. 33

       Australian Civil Space Strategy released

       The Australian  Space Agency  (ASA)   finalising of legislation and regulations,   the sector’s contribution to GDP to $12
       has released a 10 year plan to guide   and a focus on robotics, automation,   billion and creating an additional 20,000
       the growth of the country’s civilian space   launch, space situational awareness,   jobs by 2030,” Dr Clark said. “We also
       industry.                            and more.                           aim  to  stimulate  at  least  a  $1  billion
          The  plan  lays  out  a  number  of   The  first  two  national  civil  space   pipeline of inbound capital investment
       ‘strategic  space  pillars’  that  aim  to   priorities  –  position,  navigation  and   in Australia’s civil space industry sector
       create  a  competitive  environment   timing, and Earth observation – received   between 2019 and 2028; [and] achieve
       for  industry:  international,  leveraging   $224.9m  and  $36.9m  respectively   year-on-year growth of the Australian
       bilateral and multilateral partnerships   to  Geoscience Australia  in  the  2018   space sector that exceeds 8.5 per cent.”
       to  make Australian  players  globally   Federal Budget.                    According to the strategy, the ASA
       competitive;  national,  to  bring  the   “With the rapid transformation of the   also  hopes  to  participate  in  a  joint
       benefits  of  a  growing  space  sector   sector the time is right for Australia to   international mission before 2028.
       into the wider economy; responsible,   leverage  its  competitive  advantages;   There are a number of challenges
       to guide activity under an appropriate   with  our  unique  location  to  connect   ahead that the document acknowledges.
       framework and adhere to international   with  space;  robotics,  sensors  and   Foremost  amongst  these  is  the
       norms; and inspire, investing in the next   automation;  and  our  capability  in   competitiveness of the global sector.
       generation of space workers.         advanced  communication,  quantum   Australia’s  aerospace  industry,
          These  will  be  developed  in  three   technology,  rocket  propulsion,  space
       phases –setting the conditions for growth   medicine  and  astronomy,  to  take  its   which  underpins  space  presence,  is
                                                                                significantly smaller than those of the
       in  2019,  ‘engaging  with  opportunity’   place  in  the  global  space  sector,”
       between  2019-2021,  and  ‘delivering   Agency head Dr Megan Clarke said.  US and Europe. This means Australian
       success’ between 2021-2028.            Dr  Clarke  also  went  into  specific   companies will need to focus on areas
          The second and third phases will see   detail on what exactly the Agency hopes   of  comparative  advantage,  such  as
       delivery of the $15 million International   to achieve.                  geography,  in  order  to  demonstrate
       Space Investment Initiative, the $19.5   “We will report every two years on   value to cashed-up foreign players.
       million Space Infrastructure Fund, the   our progress towards our goal of tripling   Courtesy Australian Defence Magazine

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