Page 35 - May 2019
P. 35

       Assistant Minister for Defence                                           ARH Tiger suppor t

       inspects HMAS Stirling construction                                      contract  extension
       works                                                                    announced

       With  work  scheduled  for  completion   The  redevelopment,  which  has
       next  year,  Assistant  Minister  for   been planned since 2010, features the
       Defence David Fawcett has examined   following:
       the  works  being  delivered  by  Doris   •  Infrastructure upgrades;
       Contractors under the HMAS Stirling   •  New buildings;
       Redevelopment 3A Project.            •  Refurbishments; and
          HMAS  Stirling's  primary  purpose   •  Expansions and repairs.       The  Australian  Government  has
       is to provide operational and logistics   The  $367  million  redevelopment   announced  an  extension  to Airbus
       support  to  Royal Australian  Navy   started  in  2017,  with  the  upgrades   Australia Pacific’s through-life support
       ships, submarines and aircraft based in   anticipated to meet requirements until   (TLS)  contract  for  the  Australian
       Western Australia, and is the homeport   at least 2030.                  Army’s Tiger Armed Reconnaissance
       for  about  half  of  the  RAN's  major   "The strong economic management   Helicopter (ARH).
       combatant force.                     of  the  federal  Liberal  government   The ARH Tiger, first introduced into
          “Defence is investing $366.8 million   is  allowing  it  to  continue  to  restore   service in 2004, has matured into a critical
       in this project to provide major upgrade   Defence capability after Labor’s savage   asset for the Australian Defence Force.
       works to address shortfalls in essential   $18 billion defence funding cuts, which   Minister  for  Defence,  the  Hon
       services and structures resulting from   drove the budget to pre-WW2 levels. We   Christopher Pyne MP said the extension
       age  and  the  continuing  population   are also ensuring that local companies,   of  the  current  support  arrangements
       growth at the base. The redevelopment   contractors and tradies have a fairer   for  the ARH Tiger  demonstrated  the
       will  support  current  and  projected   and bigger slice of the work through   Government’s  ongoing  commitment
       operational and support capabilities,"   recent initiatives such as Local Industry   to  this  important  Defence  capability
       Senator Fawcett said.                Capability  Plans,”  Senator  Fawcett   while  providing  long-term  certainty
          “The  project  has  provided      added.                              for  hundreds  of  defence  industry
       significant  employment  opportunities   HMAS Stirling was commissioned in   employees across Australia.
       for approximately 2,000 workers from   1978 and features a Submarine Escape   “With an anticipated value of up to
       the  Perth  and  Rockingham  region,   Training Facility, one of only six in the   $790 million, this contract will see the
       with all subcontractors engaged on the   world and the only one constructed in   continued  employment  of  60  staff  in
       project  local  to  the  area.  Indigenous   the southern hemisphere.    Darwin who provide maintenance and
       participation  is  at  approximately  5.4   Courtesy Defence Connect     logistics support services at Army’s 1st
       per cent."                                                               Aviation Regiment,” Minister Pyne said.
                                                                                   Minister  for  Defence  Industry,
                                                                                Senator  the  Hon  Linda  Reynolds
                                                                                CSC, said this investment would see
                                                                                the  retention  of  70  staff  at  the Army
                                                                                Aviation  Training  Centre  in  Oakey,
                                                                                Queensland, along with a further 130
                                                                                skilled  staff  at  Brisbane  airport  who
                                                                                provide commercial, engineering and
                                                                                logistics services.
                                                                                   “As part of this arrangement there
                                                                                is a provision for Airbus to provide long
                                                                                term labour to support the continued
                                                                                capability  of Army  aviation  platforms
                                                                                across Australia.
                                                                                   “It  allows  Defence  to  exercise
                                                                                flexibility  to  continue  its  work  with
                                                                                existing industry partners to support and
                                                                                improve the fleet whilst also meeting the
                                                                                capability requirements of the Army,”
                                                                                Minister Reynolds said.
       HMAS Stirling provides operational and logistics support to Royal Australian Navy ships,
       submarines and aircraft based in Western Australia. Photo LSIS Richard Cordell.

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