Page 36 - May 2019
P. 36

       Defence Budget Summary

       – Steady as she goes, but spending risk remains

       The  government  is  on  track  to  lift
       Defence  funding  to  the  fabled  two
       per cent of GDP in 2020/21, but that
       could involve a substantial $3 billion
       jump which Defence may find difficult
       to spend.
          For  2019/20,  the  total  defence
       budget will be $38.7 billion – up from
       $36.4 billion in 2018-19 – which takes
       Defence’s share of GDP to 1.93 per cent.
          This year’s Defence budget papers
       are free of surprises or any new spending
       on new equipment. The big projects are
       already under way and with an election
       looming,  the  government  can  gain
       better headlines with announcements
       away from the budget and during the
       election campaign.
          Defence  Minister  Christopher
       Pyne said the budget maintained the   This budget featured strong investment in national security with a particular focus on
       government’s commitment to grow the   enhancing regional security, building defence capability, and supporting sovereign
       Defence budget to two per cent of gross   defence industry. Photo CPOIS Cameron Martin.
       domestic product (GDP) by 2020/21.
       He  said  this  budget  featured  strong   jump. They actually need an increase   start of prototyping of the new Hunter
       investment in national security with a   of $3 billion to get to two per cent next   class frigates.
       particular focus on enhancing regional   year.                              The budget papers show the ramp
       security,  building  defence  capability,   “Increasing  spending  quickly  is   up  of  spending  on  major  acquisition
       and  supporting  sovereign  defence   always  hard,  particularly  if  you  are   projects.  Heading  the  list  is  the
       industry.                            relying on things like shipbuilding which   acquisition of Lockheed Martin F-35A
          Minister  Pyne  said  Australia   are pretty slow to ramp up.”        Lightning II fighters, with $2.389 billion
       would continue to make a meaningful    Mr Hellyer said that could actually   to be spent in 2019-20. The first two
       contribution to the US-led international   be quite challenging for Defence, as   of  a  planned  72  arrived  in Australia
       mission  to  counter  the  Islamic  State   that involved a 5.3 per cent increase in   in December and 19 more are to be
       group  in  Iraq. Australia  has  around   spending in real-terms.        delivered by the end of next year.
       400  personnel  in  Iraq  engaged  in   With the federal election looming,   The  remaining  four  of  12  Boeing
       training Iraqi security forces under Task   the Australian Signals Directorate (ASD)   P-8A  maritime  patrol  aircraft  will  be
       Group Taji. Similarly, he said Australia   and the Australian Cyber Security Centre   delivered in 2019/20 with $360 million
       remained  committed  to  assisting  the   (ACSC) have a special responsibility   of  the  $5.3  billion  project  cost  to  be
       government of Afghanistan to ensure   to  protect  government  information   paid out, although there was no word
       the country never again became a safe   networks from hostile intrusion, and to   on  the  three  additional  P-8As  that
       haven for terrorists.                safeguard the integrity of the poll.  were optioned when aircraft 9-12 were
          Australian Strategic Policy Institute   The  government  is  investing  in   announced in early 2016.
       (ASPI) senior analyst Marcus Hellyer   the  creation  of  cyber  security  ‘Sprint   Spending  on  the  Hunter  class
       said  the  2019/20  Defence  budget   Teams’, and a cyber security response   frigates next year will more than double
       spending  of  $38.7  billion  meant  the   fund, but won’t say how much this will   to $492 million. But somewhat curiously,
       government  was  on  track  to  take   cost “due to national security reasons”.  spending on the Attack class submarine
       defence spending to two per cent of    Minister  Pyne  said  development   project falls from $456 million last year
       GDP on 2020/21.                      of  the  Osborne  North  Shipyard  was   to  $289  million  despite  the  budget
          “But  actually  the  budget  has   continuing in preparation for construction   papers saying the submarine program
       remained pretty flat from last year to this   of the 12 new Attack class submarines,   will continue working with Naval Group
       year. It is only a 1.2 per cent increase   while the $535 million redevelopment   and Lockheed Martin Australia on the
       in real terms,” Mr Hellyer said. “To get   at  Osborne  South  was  on  track  for   submarine design.
       to two per cent next year is quite a big   completion  next  year  in  time  for  the   Courtesy Australian Defence Business Review

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