Page 118 - -DHN Carrousels Sister 2 Sister 2022 (3) (1)_Classical
P. 118

Carrousels of St. Louis, Missouri

                                                                                                                                      What’s not to love about having an opportunity          the brunch buffet he prepared; he served a sampling
                                                                                                                                      to wear your favorite holiday sweater?  It was          of favorites. The food was outstanding; everyone
                                                                                                                                      beginning to look a lot like Christmas when St. Louis   agreed that he had done an amazing job. Carrousel
            Known for its charm and delicious food, our         Home décor, gifts, clothing, jewelry, accessories,                    Carrousels donned their most creative and unique        Gwen Key, assisted by Carrafella Charles Quigless,
            members spent a lovely holiday afternoon at         and Christmas floral arrangements, and                                holiday sweaters for an afternoon brunch hosted by      were our official photographers; they captured
            Josephine’s Tea Room and Gift Shops in the          decorations kept Carrousels quite busy as they                        Carrousel Christina and Carrafella Vince Bennett.       candid photo ops, adding another chapter to our
            River City of Godfrey, Illinois. Godfrey, Illinois is a   put a dent in their bank accounts while shopping.               Sipping wine and signature cocktails, snacking          book of memories.  In keeping with the Christmas
            historic river town on the bluffs of the Mississippi   Seated in a private dining room, we were able                      on tasty hors d’oeuvres, and sampling Christmas         spirit, a $300 donation was made to the Salvation
            River.  The gift shops are located in the original   to fellowship, laugh, and spend precious time                        cookies was just the beginning of a delightful          Army Angel Tree to fulfill the Christmas wishes of
            house, which was once part of Monticello College  together.  Special holiday gifts were presented                         Saturday afternoon. Chef Euylan outdid himself with     800 angels in the metro area.
            founded in 1838.  Nineteen members were in the      to our Chapter President Christina Bennett and

            holiday spirit as we took in the sights, sounds,    our National President Staci G. Oliver.  The fun
            and smells of Christmas.  The decadent desserts     afternoon was chaired by Carrousels Gwen Key
            were so yummy that many members could not           and Joyce Price.
            resist; diets and waistlines were totally forgotten.

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