Page 122 - -DHN Carrousels Sister 2 Sister 2022 (3) (1)_Classical
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Carrousels of St. Louis, Missouri

                   G OO D RE A SO NS  T O CE L E B R AT E!                                                                                    G OO D RE A SO NS  T O CE L E B R AT E!

                                                 C-QUIG impressed when he                                                                                                                      Garey Watkins, II successfully completed

                                                 performed during the Super Bowl                                                                            Carrousel Karen and                the Technical Operations Leadership
                                                                                                                                                                                               Development Program (TOLDP) and
                                                 & NBA All Star weekends                                                                                  Carrafella Garey Watkins             graduated on December 2, 2021. He was

                                                 Carrousel Angela and Carrafella Charles Quigless, Jr. continue                                               are excited to join              one of twenty selected from around the
                                                                                                                                                                                               country to participate in this Federal
                                                 to have reason to celebrate the accomplishments of their son,                                                                                 Aviation government program.
                                                 Charles Quigless, III, who now goes by the rap name C-QUIG.                                            in the celebration of family,
                                                 Diagnosed with autism at the age of two, he is a dedicated                                                                                    Lynnette M. Watkins, MD, MBA, an
                                                 autism self-advocate and tremendous performer. C-QUIG was                                             proudly boasting about their            ophthalmologist and widely respected
                                                 recently invited to perform in Santa Monica, California at the                                             son, daughter,                     healthcare administrator and leader, has
                                                 21st Annual Charity Fashion Show “Fashion on a Spectrum”                                                                                      been named President and Chief Executive
                                                 hosted by the Off the Field NFL Players' Wives Association.                                           and granddaughter.                      Officer at Cooley Dickinson Health Care.
                                                 He performed in front of a crowd that featured the wife of NBA                                                                                The search committee recommended Dr.
                                                 Hall-of-Famer Magic Johnson, NFL legends and their wives                                                                                      Watkins to lead following a national search
                                                 from the past and present, and Terry Crews, ex-NFL player and                                                                                 based on her extensive and impressive
                                                 host of America's Got Talent. C-QUIG’S performance ended                                                                                      health care leadership experience and her
                                                                                                                                                                                               many accomplishments in performance
                                                 with a standing ovation.  Later that evening, he entertained at                                                                               improvement, quality, safety, provider
                                                 the NFL Legends Party with national recording artist Flo Rida.                                                                                relations and financial management. In her
                                                 The celebration benefitted the HollyRod Foundation (Holly                                                                                     previous role at Baptist Health System, she
                                                 Robinson-Pete), which supports families affected by autism.                                                                                   was a member of the team that provided
                                                 Search C-QUIG to view the performance on                                                                                         executive oversight for the multi-hospital
                                                 His music is also available for your listening pleasure on all                                                                                system that stretches across the state of
                                                 music streaming platforms. Be on the lookout for the release                                                                                  Texas, with more than 3,600 beds and $3.45
                                                 of C-QUIG’S NEW collection entitled Young Dreamers, being                                                                                     billion in patient revenue.
                                                 released during Autism Awareness Month in April.  For sure,
                                                 his grandparents, the late Carrousel Dorothy and Carrafella                                                                                   In May of 2021, granddaughter Karen Joy
                                                 Charles (Quig) Quigless, Sr. are smiling down from heaven.                                                                                    Turley, joined Frito-Lay as an HR intern in
                                                                                                                                                                                               the South-Central Sales Region. This role
                                                                                                                                                                                               provided Karen Joy the opportunity to
      Congratulations to                                                                                                                                                                       support twelve sales interns throughout

                                                                                                                                                                            Garey Watkins, II  Arizona, Colorado, Nevada, New Mexico,
                                                                                                                                                                                               and Texas. She worked with the Las Vegas
     Carrafella Michael Tyrone Key, husband of              In 2003, Carrafella Michael was inducted into the                                                                                  Zone on their transfer from commission to
     Carrousel Gwen Key, for being featured in the          Missouri Historical Society Radio Hall of Fame. Many                                                                               a performance pay compensation system.
     St. Louis Sound exhibit at the Jefferson Memorial      who attended the 2018 National Convention in                                                                                       A major highlight of her internship was
                                                                                                                                                                                               identifying and addressing inconsistencies
     Missouri History Museum through January                St. Louis will remember Carrafella Michael as the                                                                                  in the administration and tracking of
     2023.  Carrafella Michael is known as one of the       resident DJ; he played the TSU Band theme song                                                                                     attendance per the Frito-Lay National Sales
     radio personalities who contributed to the rich,       that had everyone grooving on the dance floor in                                                                                   Attendance Policy. As of January 2022,
     musical “Sounds of St. Louis.”  After graduating from   Club Carrousel.                                                                                                                   Karen Joy is now an HR representative
     Tennessee State University, he was mentored by                                                                                                                                            supporting the Supply Chain Team in the
     radio icons Leo Chears and Bernie Hayes.                                                                                                                                                  Lynchburg Manufacturing Plant.

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