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Carrousels of St. Louis, Missouri
A Journey Carrousel Staci and Kaleigh Oliver earned the men of Alpha Phi Cherishing Proud Moments Grandson, Jacob Jarrett Price, continues to
Alpha Fraternity, Inc. In
Carrafella James Oliver
a Bachelor’s degree
to Excellence were extremely excited in Psychology from addition to receiving the compete in squash tournaments all over the
and eagerly anticipating Southeast Missouri State award, Carrousel Staci’s USA. In addition to the USA squash circuit, Jacob
graduation season University. Continuing picture was showcased Carrousel Joyce and Carrafella David Price are competed and won the 2021 Canadian Junior
since both Jordan and her passion for helping on a billboard located very proud of the accomplishments of their Open Squash Tournament held in Niagara-on-
Kaleigh were earning others, Kaleigh secured a in a premier spot just as family this past year. They are bursting with the-Lake, Ontario, Canada. Currently, Jacob is
their degrees. Jordan healthcare position with Illinois residents crossed pride to share that daughter Danyale Price, ranked sixth in the country.
the river into Missouri.
Alexander Clayborne Friendship Village Senior The placement could Esq. was included in Crain's New York Business The proud grandparents are also very excited and
graduated from Jackson Living Facility. not have been more 2022 "Notable Black Leaders" publication. The looking forward to attending the graduation of
State University with Carrousel Shirley Garrett perfect, prompting recognition is awarded to professionals and grandson, Jason David Price, who will enter high
a Bachelor of Business not only shared in the those who viewed it school this fall. He plays academy level soccer
Administration degree joys of the graduation to join in celebrating executives for their career accomplishments as and is a standout on his team. Jason will attend
and accepted a position celebrations, but also and congratulating the well as their broader community involvement. Choate High School in
with Ally Financial. In swelled with pride awardees. Following in Danyale is the Chief Inclusion Officer for global New Haven, CT this fall
his spare time, Jordan while listening to the footsteps of her mom, law firm Paul, Weiss, Rifkind, Wharton & Garrison and is looking forward
continues to pursue Carrousel Staci give her Carrousel Staci continues where she is responsible for creating and to playing soccer
his passion of foreign acceptance speech for to dedicate her time and implementing diversity, equity and inclusion for the school.
trading. the “City of Champions talents toward ensuring a practices firm wide.
Excellence in Education positive influence on the
Jordan Alexander Clayborne Award” presented by students she serves.
Where has the time gone?
Crushin' it! Muriel Cole celebrated her 100th they could with Bill and Cheryl.
birthday in the most spectacular Even now, Miki doesn't miss a
The smile on Carrousel Dianne Powell’s face says it all way you could during a pandemic. Carrousel party!
as she shares the news about her oldest granddaughter, Avery Sunday, January 30th was “show Everyone knows that Carrousel
time.” Miki, as she is fondly known,
Powell Butler. While attending Western School of Technology and had a great time and didn't realize Cheryl is a world traveler, and the
Environmental Science in Baltimore, Maryland, Avery began her how many people she had touched pandemic has really cramped her
own graphic design company, Ten Four Graphics. Now a senior, in a positive way. She had over 100 lifestyle. She was eager to travel
again and thoroughly enjoyed her
Avery’s lifetime dream to attend Spelman College in Atlanta, friends and relatives participate in annual Las Vegas trip this year.
Georgia, was realized when she received her “Blue Envelope” her Zoom birthday party. Although Following royal treatment from the
not directly affiliated, Carrousels,
acceptance letter, accompanied by the Dovey Johnson Roundtree, Inc. remains her favorite group; so Las Vegas Carrousels, she spent
C’38 Scholarship. All of her academic diligence and entrepreneurial Carrousel Cheryl Young pleaded much so that she refers to herself as Christmas in Sacramento with
with her mom for months to allow son and granddaughter. After the
spirit has definitely paid off! her to plan a milestone birthday an “Honorary Carrousel” and counts Sacramento Carrousels treated her
celebration. At the last minute, our National Founder, Glenna, to brunch, Carrousel Cheryl realized
Look out ATL; Avery is on a mission. she finally caved in, leaving the as one of her buddies. She and
Avery Powell Butler that being the National Financial
birthday party crew scrambling her late husband were known for Secretary has its perks!
to put on a production. attending every Dutch Convention
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