Page 77 - -DHN Carrousels Sister 2 Sister 2022 (3) (1)_Classical
P. 77

Carrousels of Los Angeles, California
                              Gaining some perspective


            Carrousel Veronica Glaze now         college.  She reconnected with old  Carrousel Gia Bosley has
            cooks for the entire week on         friends, visited family and realized   not missed a beat during the
            Sundays with her mother, Dallas      just how much Nashville has truly   pandemic with keeping up her
            Carrousel Sheila Glaze.  Together,   grown. While in the area, she visit-  philanthropic work as well as her
            they come up with a menu and         ed her sister Carrousel Adrienne    work as a public servant, which
            cook the same things together        Thomas Lamar in Atlanta.  And of    caused her to be called back
            in real time while on the phone.     course, Adrienne’s twin, Carrousel  into work long before many
            In 2021, Carrousel Veronica took     Hillary Thomas joined them for a    others. But of course, she did it
            a girls’ trip to the islands of St.   sister's weekend.  Ah, to be home   with grace and her effervescent
 Carrousels Theresa Lowe, Renai Fortuné,
 Rhonda Cotton, Jeannie Berrard Jackson,   Thomas and St. John. While there,   again.  unforgettable smile that is her
 Sheila Hill, Gia Bosley, Allison Herald,   she enjoyed lots of sun and pad-  Carrousel Renai Fortuné was   trademark.  But don’t think she
 Cathy Ramsey, Kimberly Lee Lamb,   Left Side: Carrousels Kemberly Carruthers, Rhonda Cotton, Nedra Austin,  dle boarding at the Ritz Carlton.     didn’t catch up on her arts, crafts
 Helen Felton Martin and Veronica Glaze.   Helen Martin, Kimberly Lee Lamb, Cathy Ramsey, and Veronica Glaze.   fortunate enough to spend more   and furniture making that we
 Right Side: Carrousels Jasmine Bowers Brown, Jeannie Berrard Jackson,   Carrousel Nedra Austin who   time taking virtual art classes and
 Theresa Lowe, Sheila Hill, Allison Herald, Gia Bosley and Renai Fortuné.  has had the opportunity to only   learning a few new recipes. She   learned is her hidden talent.
            attend one in-person Carrousel       was able to spend more time with  Carrousel Theresa Lowe finally
 Our second outing was this spring when we   player, Kevin Johnson, who was actually there when   meeting after her induction but   family, especially her adorable   slowed down from the hectic
 went to view the Tupac Shakur exhibit in LA Live   we arrived. They have a great menu with of course   before the pandemic began, says   grandchildren.   routine of being a mom to her
 (Downtown LA). It was appropriately called, ‘Wake Me  a soul food staple and liquid offering of a variety   she has spent more time with, and   In October, Carrousel Renai   teenage daughter and son,
 When I’m Free’ and proved to be a fully immersive,   of various flavors of Kool-Aid to choose from to   caring for her elderly mother and   attended the Great Pumpkin   to develop and establish with
 thought-provoking experience that explores the life   accompany your meal —‘Red’ was of course the   cooking more.  She too, will keep   Show Weigh Off in Circleville,   her family, The Lowe Family
 and legacy of the acclaimed rapper/artist and activist.   favorite. And yes, they   grocery deliveries coming post-  Ohio and ate her first “pumpkin”   Foundation, something she has
 After the exhibit, we walked around the corner to one  had a full bar!  Covid. The one thing we have   burger.   Most of the pumpkins   wanted to do for a while.  It is
                                                                                     a non-profit foundation with a
            learned about Carrousel Nedra,
 of the newer restaurants, ‘Fixins’, a soul food venue   is that she is ready at a moment’s   were over 1000 lbs.  Also during   mission to provide a network of
 owned by former Sacramento Mayor and NBA   notice to suggest or attend a   this time, she has really enjoyed   education support that helps
                                                 watching documentaries; many
            Carrousel outing.                                                        underserved boys, ages 8 to 18,
                                                 are Carrafella Wallace’s choice!    to increase their opportunities
                                                 Surprisingly she says she enjoyed
            Carrousel Cathy Ramsey says she
 Gaining some perspective  is now more conscious of always   the subject matter more than she   for succeeding and excelling in
                                                                                     life.  This came out of recogniz-
                                                 thought she would; she says she
            keeping her gas tank full—that
                                                                                     ing the tremendous disparity
            is what she is going to continue
            after the pandemic.  Additionally,   feels like it has been an ongoing   that exists in Black, Hispanic,
                                                 slumber party, especially during
 Trying to gain some perspective   over (or we reach our new normal)  line grocery shopping.  Carrousel   she has just been overwhelmed at  the lockdown periods.  and Indigenous communities
                                                                                     in accessing learning resources
 on what we have all been   and what have you been up to   Helen has also kept us laughing   the enormous value of friendship   Carrousel Jasmine Bowers   further compounded for
 experiencing these last two years,   this last year?  with her precious stories of her   and sisterhood that has come her   Brown, an anesthesiologist,   students who have, for example,
 COLA members responded to   Carrousel Helen Felton Martin,   Kindergarten students and how   way, especially after the loss of   has been working very hard   ADD/ADHD or other learning
 a few questions posed to them   who has not had a break teaching   she has to deal with them as they   her beautiful mother, Carrousel   in conditions that were not so   disabilities.
 to include in Sister-to-Sister:   the little ones, first via Zoom and   navigate the pandemic at 5 and 6   Rita Malone in October 2021.    favorable at the beginning of the
 While the pandemic has been   now back in the classroom, says   years old.  Hilarious!  Carrousel Courtney Thomas took   pandemic.  But that is due to pure
 terrible, but trying to look at the   she spent much more time with   Carrousel Beverly Lofton has   advantage of working remote-  dedication to her field.  She has
 situation from a glass as half-full   family.  Family dinners and game   been living her best life, just   ly and went home to Nashville,   used the little down time she has
 perspective, what positives have   nights occur on a regular basis   chillin’ through this entire   staying a little over two months.    had to allow herself to reevaluate
 come from being on ‘lock down’,   and are here to stay.  She does   pandemic, catching up on   This was the first time she has   what is important in life: health,
 what ‘pandemic practices’ might   not foresee ever stopping on-  reading and movies.   been home for more than 3 or 4   family and relationships.
 you keep after the pandemic is   days since she graduated from

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