Page 78 - -DHN Carrousels Sister 2 Sister 2022 (3) (1)_Classical
P. 78

Carrousels of Los Angeles, California

                       Carrousel Allison Herald has spent       Hillary Thomas and Adrienne                                                                                     Energy abounds!
                       more time with family just hanging       Thomas Lamar surprised her for
                       out and enjoying each other.  She        the December holidays.  She has                                                                                 Carrousel Michelle Reed Arnold has definitely
                       has been cooking, trying new recipes     no idea how Carrousel Courtney                                                                                  embraced family during this pandemic with trips to the
                       and has learned that she is a damn       Thomas kept that a secret.  The                                                                                 beach with her husband, Carrafella Kevin and their pups
                       good cook!  She also has learned more    things that she will keep post-Covid                                                                            as well as taking an Athens, Greece vacation. She also
                       about her neighborhood by walking        are grocery deliveries, cross-country                                                                           traveled to St. Louis to have family time with her mom,
                       to the park and has experienced life’s   wine sips, book clubs with girlfriends                                                                          Carrousel Betty Reed, and sisters, Carrousels Dana Reed
                       ups and downs in the last year, with     via Zoom, and taking short-term                                                                                 and Stacey Reed Mevs.  If that’s not enough, Carrousel
                       the passing of her sister, her beautiful   on-line classes such as an Instagram                                                                          Michelle completed the TCS New York Marathon.
                       daughter Ariel leaving to attend her     gardening 101 class.                                                                                             Carrousels Michelle Reed Arnold,
                       freshman year at Howard University       Carrousel Antonia Routt didn’t let                                                                               sisters and mom share a moment after
                       and enrolling in grad school which       the pandemic slow her down as                                                                                    she completed the TCS New York
                       she says she loves!                      she continued her fitness journey                                                                                Marathon.                                       Carrousel

                       Carrousel Rhonda Cotton is the           which really isn’t about her, it is                                                                                                                         Shelby Boagni,
                       proud mother of new Xavier               about helping others. As you may                                                                                                                        Far Western Regional
                       University of Louisiana graduate,        know, Carrousel Antonia’s passion                                                                                                                    Director of Alpha Kappa
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Alpha Sorority,
                       Briana Hammond, who graduated            of fitness and well being turned into                                                                                                                         Incorporated
                       May 7th with a Bachelor of Science       a job several years ago, where she
                       in Public Health and minor in            conducts classes for many of the aged
                       Biology.  She has been accepted          and/or physically challenged as well
                       to continue at Xavier’s graduate         as personal training for that same                                                                                                Bravo!
                       school to attain a master’s degree,      population as well as others. She                                                 Carrousel Shelby Boagni has been on the move!
                       but has also applied to Meharry          has mastered a niched concept.                                                      Normally we would leave other clubs and Sororities and
                       Medical College, UCLA and a few          Carrousel Kimberly Lee Lamb and                                          Fraternities out of this, but this is really, really big!  For the past two
                       other schools.                           Carrafella Tony began traveling                                           years, Shelby has been at the helm of the ‘Fascinating’ Far Western
                       Carrousel Jocelyn Smith, always the      again once the major veil was lifted.                                   Region of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated as the Regional
                       poster child of positivity, recently     They took numerous short trips to                                         Director.  With that position, comes a lot of travel around the West
                       finished what we call ‘her’ big Prom     destinations close in proximity such                                         Coast as well as to Washington, DC. Amid this extremely hectic
                       Dress Event, but actually Jocie          as Arizona and Las Vegas, but also                                         schedule, Shelby moved on from her position at The Los Angeles
                       works for a non-profit that supports     took fabulous excursions to Puerto                                       County Museum of Art to become the first Senior VP of People and
                       positive programs for Foster Children.   Rico and Costa Rica.  They didn’t have                                    Culture at the Los Angeles Music Center.  Her husband, Carrafella
                       The Prom Dress Event includes the        COVID, but they surely had the                                                     Gregory and her Carrousel sisters could not be prouder!
                       planning and preparation for Foster      travel bug!
                       Girls in LA County to attend and         Carrousel Kemberly Carruthers spent
                       choose their brand-new prom dresses      a lot of time with Carrafella Lamont                                  Doing fabulous things!
                       and accessories for their big night. It   during this down time by taking
                       was postponed last year due to the       advantage of working remotely. She
                       pandemic, but 2022 proved to be a        also entertained out-of -town guests,                                                                                Carrousel Jeannie Berrard Jackson and Carrafella Jimmy
                       very successful year. Cheers!            enjoyed trips to Santa Barbara and                                                                                   have been spending even more time together resting up
                                                                                                                                                                                     after their daughter’s beautiful wedding right before the
                       Carrousel Sheila Hill has officially     had the opportunity to make a quick                                                                                  start of the pandemic, and right after she was inducted into
                       become a seasoned television binge       jaunt home to Chicago to visit friends                                                                               Carrousels.  She still is awaiting her first in-person Carrousel
                       watcher during the pandemic,             and family for her birthday.                                                                                         meeting!  She has done a fabulous job getting to know her
                       catching up on literally decades of                                                                                                                           Carrousel sisters via Zoom and has attended the non-meeting
                       television shows and mini-series.                                                                                                                             activities.  We are so glad she is part of our sisterhood.
                       Additionally, she found her balance                                                                                                                           Road Trip to Vegas with Carrousels Jeannie Berrard Jackson,
                       when her twin daughters, Carrousels                                                                                                                           Carrafella Jimmy Jackson, Carrousel Kimberly Lee Lamb
     78                                                                                                                                                                              and Carrafella Tony Lamb                                   79
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