P. 304
Booth of the publisher considered unbelievers. In this example, the Netherlands Indies in general. to journals and newspapers. The strengthened by the publications of
Amzah in 2014 at the al-Munir, like al-Imam adopted al-Manar The evidence of the disseminating of Muhammadiyah (founded in 1912) Islamic books. The findings of a study
Indonesia International in Cairo as the basis for its fatwas on Islam from al-Manar to al-Munir and al- started to publish various magazines by Ockeleon gives a clear picture:
Book Fair. This publisher these disputed religious matters in West Imam clearly indicates the crucial role of including Bintang Islam (1923), Bendera In the beginning of the 20 century
is a special division Sumatra. Abdullah Ahmad acknowledged publications in transmitting Islamic reform Islam (1924), al-Kirom (1928), Adil were not many Islamic books were
of the Bumi Aksara that the fatwas of “the Egyptian scholars in the regions mentioned above. These (1932), Pantjaran Amal (1936), Ichtiyar published but the most important thing
publisher tasked to [...] and their magazine” were the sources magazines provided effective channels (1937), besides newspapers like Al- was that they concentrated on all the
promote books on for the fatwas in al-Munir. for Cairo-based Islamic reformism which Chair (1926) in Surakarta, Soengoenting Islamic disciplines found in the classical
Islamic themes. Moehammadijah (1927-1929) in literature of the traditional Islamic
Al-Munir’s use of al-Manar is also evident had important consequences for the
Source: Directorate of in another fatwa on propelling some body Muslims of the then Netherlands Indies. Yogyakarta, and Swara Islam (1931- institutions, especially pesantren. In
History and Cultural parts as an indication on something that These magazines also supported the 1933) in Semarang. 36 Ockeleon’s study, a number of Islamic
Values, Ministry of might happen in the future of one’s life. growth of new Muslims, the reformists, Persatuan Islam (Persis) started to books are classified in accordance with
Education and Culture This question was posed by Mahmud and supplied a strong ideological basis publish its own Islamic publications that the scientific disciplines as found in
of the Republic of for the Islamic reform movement and by contributed to the spread of their ideas classical books. 39
Indonesia. bin Sheikh Muhammad Idris from so doing contributed to their increasing
Tilatang, Bukit Tinggi, West Sumatera. in the magazine Pembela Islam (1929), The first were works on Arabic such
The answer was given in the next impacts within the Indonesian Muslim al- Fatwa (1931), and Sual-Djawab as Djalan ke Qoeran, Pengadjaran
community in the early 20 century. As
issue (al-Munir 3, No. 13, 1913), which a result, Islamic reform ideas started to (1930s). So did Sarekat Islam which, Bahasa Arab dan Nahwoenja (lit. The
quoted various statements published in become a main discourse in society. after its establishment published its path towards the Quran, the teaching of
al-Manar. The editor wrote, “Al-Munir’s magazines Hindia Serikat (1913), Al- Arabic and its grammar by A.D. Haanie,
priority is to give the same answer as Books as Reform Movement Islam, Simpaj, and Sarotomo (1916) 1936), Pengadjaran bahasa Arab &
al-Manar had published on the same apart from several daily newspapers Grammaticanja, (The teaching of Arabic
issue”. Again, by following al-Manar, With the appearance of al-Imam in such as Oetoesan Hindia, Pantjaran and its grammar by A.D. Haanie and
the magazine stated that there was no Singapore (1905-1909), and al-Munir Warta, Sinar Djawa (all in operation Moehammad Farid Wadjdi, 1931), Kitab
relation between triggering certain body in Padang (1911-1916) the Islamic since 1913), Neratja (1916), Sinar Hindia akan beladjar membatja dan menoelis
parts and the character or nature of reformist movement in Indonesia (1924), and Hindia Baroe (1924). toelisan Arab diterangkan dengan
started to be increasingly active in
certain people as well as their future life. publishing Islamic books, in addition The important roles these magazines 39. Martin Van Bruinessen classified kitab kuning
into the following categories: ilmu-ilmu alat
Therefore, like the dress issue, al-Munir and periodicals played were (Arabic grammar, tajwid, Logics), Islamic law, and
referred to al-Manar as its source for 34. Azra, “The Transmission of al-Manar’s…”, 97. 36. Burhanudin, “The Fragmentation of Religious Islamic jurisprudence, doctrines (tauhid, akidah,
issuing a fatwa and this clearly indicates 35. The main source for the Islamic printed press Authority,” 46-47. ushuluddin), tafsir Alquran, hadith, ethics and
Sufism, Islamic history, and extra-curricular books
in the beginning of the 20 century is based
its active participation in disseminating on research done by Jajat Burhanudin, “The 37. Burhanudin, “The Fragmentation of Religious (honor, ritual, and magic). See his book, Kitab
Islamic reformism into West Sumatra and Fragmentation of Religious Authority: Islamic Print Authority,” 48. Kuning, Pesantren, dan Tarekat: Tradisi-Tradisi
Media in Early 20th Century Indonesia,” published 38. Burhanudin, “The Fragmentation of Religious Islam di Indonesia, (Bandung: Mizan, 1995), 148-
33. See al-Munir, 3, no. 12, 1913. in Studia Islamika, Volume 11, No. 1 (2004), 38-53. Authority,” 49-50. 171.
294 Indonesian Islamic Culture in Historical Perspectives Indonesian Islamic Culture in Historical Perspectives 295