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bahasa Melajoe hoeroef Woelanda, (A     doea soerat dari pada al-Qoeran (1930),               magazines and newspapers proving       Lubis in Medan; Islam dengan Politik,      The entrance gate of
                                          book about learning how to read and to   Boekoe tafsir soerat ichlas (1928), and              the increasing role of publications in   written by Aziz Thaib and published      Perguruan Thawalib
                                          write Arabic script explained in Malay-  Tafsir al-Foerqan (1928), which was                  presenting Islam to Muslim audiences   in Bukit Tinggi (no date, but according    Padang Panjang, a male
                                          Latin script by Achmad bin Abdullah     translated into Sundanese in 1930. 41                 in Indonesian urban areas. They        to Boland published around the end         students’ territory. It was
                                          Assagaff, 1918), Kamoes Arab-Melajoe    Another flourishing category was the                  began to emerge as the principal       of 1946); Revolusi Agama, written          established in 1911.
                                          (Dictonary of Arab Malay Fadloe’llah    works on Islamic theology and Sufism.                 sources of religious information for   by Hamka in 1946 and published in          Source: Directorate of
                                          Moehammad and B. Th. Brongeest), and    In addition to al-Ghazali’s Ihya Ulum al-             Indonesian urban Muslims much as       Jakarta (reprinted in 1949); Falsafah      History and Cultural
                                          Himpoenan Peribahasa Inggris, Belanda,   Din there were also works by H.A. Malik              classical religious literature had done   Perdjuangan Islam, written by Muh.      Values, Ministry of
                                          Arab dan Minangkabau (A collection of   Karim Amroellah like Arkanoe ‘l-iman                  in the generally traditional Muslim    Isa Anshary in 1949 and published in       Education and Culture
                                          English, Dutch, Arab, and Minangkabau’s   dengan djalan soal-djawab (1933) and                communities in pesantren and surau.    Bandung; Islam sebagai Ideologi, written   of the Republic of
                                          Sayings and Expressions by Siradjuddin   Sendi Iman Tiang Selamat (1930). Other               These publications thus contributed to   by Mohammad Natsir (no date, but         Indonesia.
                                          ‘Abbas, 1934) 40                                                                              the creation of a new Muslim community   according to Boland probably published
                                                                                  were Ilmoe Sedjati (1910), Pemboeka                                                          in 1950); Capita Selecta, two volumes,
                                          Second, Islamic legal literature like   Pintoe Soerga (1914), and Titian                      with religious ideas and practices     also by Mohammad Natsir (the first part
                                                                                                                                        that differed from those of traditional
                                          Kitab salat (The book of prayers by     kesoerga serta Kitab oetsoeloeddin                                                           comprising of articles written before 1941
                                          Abu Dardari, 1926), Zakatoel Fitri      (1916). Meanwhile books directly                      Muslims in pesantren. Here, the Islamic   and the second part consisting of articles
                                          (by Sayid Oemar bin Alaoei Alatas       concerned with Sufism included Tasaoef                reform movement was a stronghold for   and speeches written between 1950-
                                                                                                                                        the urban Muslim community.
                                          1925); Bab Djinajah (Soeharti binti M.   dalam agama Islam (Sjarafoe’ddin                                                            1955) published in Bandung in 1954
                                          Ihsan), Boekoe aosan solat kangge       Maneri, 1916), and Ilmoe Rohani                       B.J. Boland made an effort to look at   and 1957 respectively; Undang-Undang
                                          moerangkalih sareng anoe nembe          (Sjihaboeddin Effendi Idris, 1930).                   the publication of Islamic books in the   Politik Islam, a translation of a work by
                                          beladjar salat (in Sundanese) (Persatuan   In addition there were works concerning            post-independence period. In his eyes,   Muhammad Asad, published in 1954
                                          Islam, 1935), and several books written   hadith, such as Hadits Tardjamah                    between 1945 and 1955, Muslim leaders   in Jakarta; Soal Agama dalam Negara
                                          by A. Hassan like Al-Boerhan (1992),    Melajoe (Abu Abdillah Muhammad bin                    were mostly concerned with and spent   Modern, written by Abu Hanifah and
                                          Kitab Fiqh al-Boerhan (1928), and       Ismail al-Bukhari, 1936) and Boekoe                   their energy in politics; hence, most   published in Jakarta in 1949.
                                          Pengadjaran salat (1929).               Ahadits al-Nabawiyah (Abi Haiban,                     Islamic publications written in Indonesian   Besides, Boland’s note reveals efforts

                                          The early 20  century also marked the   1922), which was very well-known within               at that period dealt with politics.    that supported the formation of an
                                          flourishing of Quranic commentaries. In   the pesantren communities at the time.              Boland offered several examples of     Islamic state. This appeared in books like
                                          addition to the Quranic commentary by   Ockeleon also lists other books on                    books on religious politics, though    Konsepsi Tatanegara Islam, written by
                                          Muhammad Abduh, there were others       similar themes as those explicated in                 regrettably, he did not give the name   Zainal Abidin Ahmad and published 1949
                                          written by Muslim scholars such as, Al-                                                       of their publishers for any of the books   in Jakarta; Analyse: Mungkinkah Negara
                                          Boerhan: Mentapsirkan doea poeloeh      41.  Burhanudin, “The Fragmentation of Religious      he presented. They included titles like   Indonesia Bersendikan Islam?, written
                                                                                  Authority”, 52.
                                          40.  Burhanudin, “The Fragmentation of Religious   42.  Burhanudin, “The Fragmentation of Religious   Tuntunan Perang Sabil, written at the   by M.Sj. Ibnu Amatillah and published
                                          Authority”, 51.                         Authority”, 53.                                       end of 1945 by Moh. Arsjad Thalib      1950 in Semarang; and Dasar-Dasar

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