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Wahid Hasjim accepted   publishers including Pustaka Salman   In the meantime, supported by the large   in 2006 around 766 publishers were   fact not resulted in producing reliable
 the position of the   (1980), Shalahuddin Press (1983), Mizan   number of Islamic publishers, Islamic   formally registered as IKAPI members   data on the total number of titles of
 Vice Chairman of the   (1983), Gema Insani Press (1986), and   Book Fairs (IBF, national exhibitions   and almost half of them were specialized   Islamic books produced up to recently.
 Masjumito assist his   Paramadina (1986).  particularly organized for Islamic books)   in publishing books on Islam.  The most   The Ministry of Religious Affairs cites
 father Kyai Hasjim   has been held annually in Jakarta since   important thing to note here is that the   a number as high as 7.728 titles, but
 Asj’ari, who was the   Entering the 1990s, officially registered   2001 and recently also in areas outside   total number does not include Islamic   these include merely the titles of Islamic
 Chairman.  publishers included Pustaka Al Kautsar   Jakarta. In fact, in 2006, IKAPI held an   book publishers who are not IKAPI   books published in Indonesia up to
 (early 1990s), LkiS (1993), Robbani
 Source: National Archive   Press (1993), Darul Falah (1993),   International Islamic Book Fair (IIBF) in   members and we can be assured that   2003, which is only an estimate and not
 of the Republic of   Lentera (1996), Al-Qowam Group   Jakarta, an exhibition of Islamic books   they are plentiful, particularly in remote   a reliable number.
 Indonesia.  (1999), Khairul Bayan (early 2000s),   at an international scale.  The result   regions. As a result, because of these   Therefore, it is difficult to give a clear
 Aqwam Group (2003), Kafayeh Cipta   was that the total number of Islamic   publishing houses we witness a blooming   estimation of the total number of Islamic
 publishing houses did not decrease, but
          phenomenon of Islamic book production
 Media (2007), apart from various other   rather significantly increased annually.   on the Indonesian book market.  book titles circulating in Indonesia.
 formally registered and unregistered            However, the statistical data from several
 IKAPI members.  Thus, instead of going   IKAPI data show that between 2000   However, beyond the phenomenal   studies indicate that we may conclude
 through a period of decline because of   and 2003, it registered 20 more new   growth of Islamic book publication we   that for the period between 1945 and
 the economic crisis that hit Indonesia at   Islamic publishers as IKAPI members   should acknowledge that up to recently   1970, Indonesian publishers annually
 the end of the 1990s, from year to year,   and in 2002 there were in total 515   there is no data on the total volume of   produced at least 800 book titles. In
 the total number of Islamic publishers in   publishers affiliated with IKAPI. In 2005   Islamic books that has become available   spite of fluctuations, the total number
 Indonesia grew rapidly.   the total number of affiliated publishers   in the market. Studies conducted by   of religious book titles kept growing,
 located in various regional branches in   Yayasan Masagung,  the Ministry of
 48.  Several other publishers that participated   particularly from 1945 to 1970. From
 in the proliferation of Islamic book publishers in   Indonesia stood at 681: 266 publishers   Religious Affairs,  and others have in   the total number of religious book titles
 Indonesia included Pustaka Arafah, Pustaka As   in DKI Jakarta, 145 in West Java, 79 in   51.  “Ikapi Punya Peran Strategis dalam   the books mostly produced concerned
 Sunnah, Pustaka Imam Asy-Syafi’i, Pustaka Ar   Central Java, 47 in DI Yogyakarta, 86   Pengembangan Budaya Unggul,” in http://www.
 Rayyan, Pustaka At-Taqwa, Pustaka At Tazkia,,, September 13,   Islamic themes.
 Pustaka Darul Ilmi, Pustaka Ibnu Katsir, Pustaka   in East Java, 16 in North Sumatra, 6 in   2006 (accessed on May 4, 2008).
 Imam Adz-Dzahabi, Pustaka Azzam, Pustaka   West Sumatra, 1 in Aceh, 4 in Riau, 8 in   A quite significant increase appears
 Abdulloh, Pustaka Al-Sofwa, Pustaka Sumayyah,   South Sumatera, 6 in West Kalimantan,   52.  In 1990, Yayasan Masagung attempted to   from the data provided by the Library
 Pustaka Al Furqon, Pustaka At Tibyan, Pustaka   record all Islamic books that were published from
 Yassir, Pustaka At Tazkiya, Pustaka Ulil Albab,   8 in South Sulawesi, 7 in Bali, and 2   1945 up to 1980, along with their classification   and Documentation Division of Tempo
 Maktabah Al Ghurobaa, Media Hidayah, Media   publishers in East Nusa Tenggara. 50  in Islamic disciplines. The result of the recording   magazine above. It reveals that between
 Tarbiyah, Darul Hag, Darul Qolam, Darus Sunnah   process was a catalogue entitled Buku Islam Sejak   1980 and 1987, from the 1.949 titles
 Press, Pustaka Barokah, Rumah Dzikir, Al Aqwam,   The total number is still increasing;   Tahun 1945, 1987 & 1990 that illustrates early
 Al Qowam, At Tibyan, Darul Falah, Najmaazkiya,   portraits of Islamic books in Indonesia. See http://  the production lists of 110 Islamic publishers that
 Pustaka Norma, Insan Kamil, La Raiba Bima   49.  Heri Ruslan, “International Islamic Book Fair: (being   participated in the Islamic Book Fair organized by
 Amanta (eLBA), Wafa Press, Rumah Dzikir, Daar   Gairah Buku-buku Islami,” Republika, October 30,   accessed on June 09, 2007).  IKAPI in Jakarta in 2003. See http://www.depag.
 An Naba, Maktabah Al Ghuroba, Qisthi Press, and   2005.  53.  In 2003, the Ministry of Religious Affairs made (accessed on June 09,
 several others.  50.  See IKAPI’s official site at   an inventory of 3041 titles of books on Islam from   2007).

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