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GIP’s position is not without reasoning.   volume and serial publications) on                 dan Penyimpangan Gerakan Islam by      Still another publisher that belonging to
                                          Initially, it was established and closely   Islamic themes: theology, sharia,                 Musthafa Mashhur, Menuju Jama’atul     category is Khairul Bayan. It is a small
                                          related to the translating of works written   private law, women, Islamic politics,           Muslimin, Telaah Sistem Jamaah dalam   scale publisher that started operations
                                          by the Middle Eastern scholars. As a    Islamic propagation (dakwah), and                     Gerakan Islam by Sheikh Hussain bin    in 2002. It is considered close to Partai
                                          result, the books GIP publishes focus on   studies on Islamic movements.  It is               Muh bin Ali Jabir.  In addition, Pustaka   Bulan Bintang (PBB), a small Islamic-
                                          harakah or Islamic movements. Several   one of the biggest Islamic publishers.                Al-Kautsar should also be included in   based party that inherited the ideology
                                          examples include Tujuan dan Sasaran     Most books GIP publishes are in                       this category. It was founded about    of the Masyumi, a former Islamic party
                                          Jihad by Ali Bin Nafayyi’ al-Alyani (1992),   form of booklets of less than 100               16 years later, and up to now has      that represented the “modernist” group
                                          Ujian, Cobaan, Fitnah dalam Dakwah by   pages and they are often translations                 published books like Aliran dan Paham   of Muslims and that was disbanded in
                                          M. Abd Qadir Abu Faris (1992), Tarbiyah   from Arabic works. 76                               Sesat di Indonesia  and Bahaya         1960s.  Oriented to its motto “Sumber
                                          Rasulullah by Najib Khalid Al-Ami (1994),   GIP’s success also generated other                Pemikiran Gus Dur: Menyakiti Hati      Pemikiran Islam” (the source of Islamic
                                          Dakwah Islam Dakwah Bijak by Said       publishing houses; particularly                       Umat, both by Hartono Ahmad Jaiz.      thought), the books produced by this
                                          bin Ali al-Qahthani (1995), Ikhwanul    those with a similar ideological                      The third book, still related to Gus Dur   publisher support the implementation
                                          Muslimin : Konsep Gerakan Terpadu       framework of religious thinking,                      and the NU, is Bila Kyai Dipertuhankan:   of the sharia. Among the books it
                                          by Dr. Ali Abdul Halim Mahmud (1997),   for instance, Robbani Press. Most                     Membedah Sikap Beragama NU,            has published are Garis-Garis Besar
                                          Panduan Jihad: Untuk Aktifis Gerakan    founders of this publisher and                        written by Hartono and Abduh Zulfidar   Syariat Islam by Mawardi Noor,
                                          Islam by Dr. Hilmy Bakar Almascaty,     its administers are Indonesian                        Akaha.  Another example is Hartono     Manajemen Strategis Perspektif Syariah
                                          M.A (2001), Pergerakan Muslimah         Muslim scholars who have                              Ahmad Jaiz’s Menangkal Bahaya JIL &    by Muhammad Ismail Yusanto and
                                          Menyongsong Era Baru by Amatullah       graduated from Middle Eastern                         FLA (Fikih Lintas Agama). 81           Muhammad Karebet Widjajakusumo,
                                          Shafiyyah & Astriana (2002), Jundullah:   universities or the ex-activists of                                                        and Hukuman Bagi Konsumen Miras &
                                          Mengenal Intelektulitas dan Akhlak      campus propagation movements.                         77.  Taken from Robbani Press’s official website ,   Narkoba by Fauzan Al-Anshari.  Khairul
                                          Tentara Allah by Said Hawwa (2002),     Like GIP, Robbani Press also                 (accessed on July   Bayan also published Islamic novels and
                                                                                                                                        14, 2008).
                                          Prinsip-prinsip Pendidikan Rasulullah   publishes thematic books on                           78.  Hartono Ahmad Jaiz, Aliran dan Paham Sesat   short stories.
                                          Saw by Prof. Dr. Alawi al Maliki (2002),   Islamic movements (harakah)                        di Indonesia, (Jakarta: Pustaka Al-Kautsar, 2002).   In 2005, soon after the death of
                                          Kebangkitan Islam di Andalusia by       including: Menuju Kesatuan                            This book saw at least seven reprints and sold   Nurcholish Madjid (Cak Nur), one of the
                                          Ahmad Mahmud Himayah, 2004, and         Fikrah Aktivis Islam, and Tarbiyah                    more than 30 thousand copies.          main supporters of moderate Islamic
                                          Tarbiyah Jaadah by Muhammad ad-         Hasan Al Banna dalam Jamaah                           79.  Hartono Ahmad Jaiz, Bahaya Pemikiran Gus
                                                                                                                                        Dur: Menyakiti Hati Umat, (Jakarta: Pustaka Al-
                                          Duaisy (1998).                                                                                Kautsar, 2000).                        82.  Watson, “Islamic Books”, 201.
                                                                                  Ikhwanul Muslimin (both by Yusuf                                                             83.  Mawardi Noor, Garis-Garis Besar Syariat
                                          Up to now, GIP has published thousands   al-Qaradhawi), 100 Pelajaran dari                    80.  Hartono Ahmad Jaiz dan Abduh Zulfidar   Islam, (Jakarta: Khairul Bayan, 2002).
                                                                                                                                        Akaha, Bila Kyai Dipertuhankan: Membedah Sikap
                                          of titles of books (not including multi-  para pemimpin Ikhwanul Muslimin                     Beragama NU, (Jakarta: Pustaka Al-Kautsar, 2001,   84.  Muhammad Ismail Yusanto dan Muhammad
                                                                                  by Muhammad Abu Hamid, Prinsip                        4  reprint 2004).                      Karebet Widjajakusumo, Manajemen Strategis
                                          74.  Taken from Gema Insani Press’s official                                                  81.  Hartono Ahmad Jaiz, Menangkal Bahaya JIL   Perspektif Syariah, (Jakarta: Khairul Bayan, 2003).
                                          website (accessed   75.  See,        & FLA, (Jakarta: Pustaka Al-Kautsar, 2004), 7    85.  Fauzan Al-Anshari, Hukuman Bagi Konsumen
                                          on July 14, 2008).                      76.  Watson, “Islamic Books”, 194.                    reprint.                               Miras & Narkoba, (Jakarta: Khairul Bayan, 2002).

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