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Mepsi (abbreviated from   intellectual thought which they had   to publish luxurious modern books   belong to the older generations and   Nurcholish Madjid’s works next to those
 Madjlis Ekonomi PSII/the   turned into the ideological basis for their   and important works on contemporary   are members of a group of people that   by other scholars like Syafii Anwar on
 Economic Assembly of   activities and the guide in selecting the   Islamic thought written by young and   supported the Islamic cultural movement   new ways of Muslim intellectual thinking
 the PSII) was a magazine   books they wanted to publish. Here, we   international Muslim thinkers in order   in the 1970s.   and those of Bahtiar Effendi on the
 published by Partai   will be specifically concerned with three   to offer a balance in the ideas on Islam   relational patterns of Islam and the state
 Sarekat Islam Indonesia.  Islamic publishers for they represent   (mizan literally means ‘balancing scales’).   Mizan’s most important effect in the   in Indonesian history.
          earlier stages of its development was
 —though not totally—Indonesian
 Source: Perpustakaan   Mizam was presumed to be a Shi’i   to publish the work of young Muslim   While Mizan continued its progress
 Nasional (The National   Muslims’ sociological reality. They are   publishing house because of its   intellectual thinkers from middle class   as a published of moderate books
 Library of the Republic   Mizan, which represents moderate   publication of Dialog Sunnah-Syiah   society who came to the forefront of   on Islam, another publisher came up
 of Indonesia).  Muslims, Gema Insani Press (GIP)   and other works by Shi’i thinkers like   Islamic discourses and debates in   with a sociological basis in Tarbiyah.
 which represents scripturalist and   69  Indonesia, like Nurcholish Madjid,   It was a group of Muslims who might
 fundamentalist Muslims, and LkiS   Ali Shariati and Murtadha Muthahari.    Kuntowijoyo, and Amien Rais—people   be considered on belonging to the
 However, Mizan occupied only a small
 (Lembaga Kajian Islam dan Sosial) that   space and it was surrounded by an   whose fate had been fortunate under the   scripturalists and fundamentalists. This
 represents the Islamic left tendency and   Indonesian climate that generally ignored   New Order government. The government   publisher was Gema Insani Press (GIP),
 which is critical to both doctrines and the   urged and supported them to do their   founded in Jakarta in 1986 by Umar
 social institutions they represent.  Shi’a. In fact, most books published by   Basharahil. Under the motto “Penerbit
 Mizan were books that belong to the   doctoral studies abroad. In fact, they
 In the early 1980s, Indonesian society   Sunni branch of Islam and in the early   preferred Western universities to those of   Buku Andalan” (Publisher of Reliable
 was stunned by the founding of the   years of its establishment it published   the Middle East. Mizan issued a series of   Books), GIP mostly publishes translations
 Islamic publisher, Mizan and its two   books written by various popular al-  publications named ‘Seri Cendekiawan   of books written in the Middle East on
 best-sellers Dialog Sunnah-Syiah by   Ikhwanul Muslimin figures, one of which   Muslim’, (‘Muslim Intellectuals Series’),   various Islamic themes such as Quranic
 A. Syafaruddin al-Musawi and Surat   is Surat-Menyurat Maryam Jamilah-  which aimed at providing a platform for   commentaries, hadith, the history of the
 Menyurat Maryam Jamilah-Maududi.    Maududi. 70  newly growing ideas. 71  Prophet, Islamic theology, Islamic law
 From the outset, Mizan, which was               and rituals, home and family, and Islamic
 founded in 1983, stood for something   Mizan targets university students as   Mizan’s success generated other   politics.   These book were mainly the
 innovative. In fact, Mizan was established   its readership although most of them   publishers that adhered to similar ways   works of Ikhwanul Muslimin members and
 have become the enemies of the new   of Islamic thinking, but they did not lasted   supporters like Sayyid Qutb, Muhammad
 68.  Both books were written in 1983, when Haidar   ways of Islamic thinking about which   long. One of the most important was
 Bagir founded Mizan. Various observers had the   Qutb, and Muhammad al-Ghazali. In
 impression that, initially, Mizan more represented   Mizan also publishes books including   Paramadina, the publishing section of   other words, GIP adopted a position at
 the development of Shi’i thought in Indonesia. This   the works written by Nurcholish Madjid.   the Paramadina Foundation. Paramadina   the opposite side of liberal Islamic thinking
 appeared, for instance, from the fact that 5 years
 after it founding, it published mostly works by Shi’a   The majority of the readers of Mizan   stood under the leadership of Nurcholish   and practices and it supports literal and
 thinkers. From the 13 books it produced until 1988,   publications, according to Watson,   Madjid and, as might have been   puritan Islamic teachings.
 3 were written by Murthada Muthahari, and 1 by   assumed, Paramadina published most of
 Ali Syariati. See Watson, Islamic Books, page 185,   69.  Vermonte, “Penerbitan Islam”, 263.  72.  Halid and Zubair, “Peranan Penerbit”, 30.
 footnote14.  70.  Watson, ”Islamic Books”, 184-185.  71.  Watson, “Islamic Books”, 185.  73.  Watson, “Islamic Books”, 196.

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