P. 312

of books on religious themes only 809   data from the Ministry of Religious                   books on Islam were published, a fact   Remaja Rosdakarya around 137 books        The boarding school
                                          titles, concerned Islam.  It means      Affairs, from the ca. 110 Islamic                     that should be considered.             at the end of 2005,  and these are just    Madrasah Tarbiyah
                                          that annually, on average more than     publishers who joined the 2003 Islamic                This estimate may be correct when      some examples and do not include the       Islamiyah in Batang
                                          100 titles of books on Islam entered    Book Fair in Senayan, ca. 3.041 titles                we have a look at the data on the      total numbers of all the publishers that   Kabung, Koto Tangah,
                                          circulation. Data obtained from the     of books comprising various fields                    publication of books on Islam from the   produce Islamic books be they IKAPI      Padang.
                                          DIAN/INTERFIDEI Institute  say that     of Islamic studies were published in                  766 IKAPI members.  Up to mid-2008,    members or not.                            Source: Directorate of
                                          between 1981 and 1995 ca. 1200 titles   Indonesia. So, from both studies it                   Gema Insani Press published ca. 1000                                              History and Cultural
                                          of books on Islamic themes circulated   has become clear that up to 2003,                     titles of Islamic books,  Darul Haq ca.   Islamic Book Publishers: Some           Values, Ministry of
                                          in the market. And, when adding the     7.728 titles of Islamic books on various              124,  Penerbit Serambi 148,  penerbit   Socio-Intellectual Profiles               Education and Culture
                                          number from Tempo magazine above, it    subjects entered the Indonesian book                  Maghfirah Pustaka around 92,  Penerbit   From what we have seen above we can      of the Republic of
                                          means that up to the end of the 1990s an   market. 57                                         LkiS along with its affiliated branch,   underline that recently Islamic books    Indonesia.
                                          estimated 1500 to 2000 titles of books on   IKAPI, which attempts to determine                Pustaka Pesantren around 316,  and     have become an important category
                                          Islam were published. 56                the range of books on Islam published                 Pustaka Al-Kautsar more than 500       within the Indonesian publishing world;
                                          An inventory done by the Ministry       in Indonesia, assures us that the book                at the end of 2007,  Azam publisher    publishing books on Islamic themes
                                                                                                                                                                               has become an industry with serious
                                          of Religious Affairs in 2003 of 29      publishing industry in Indonesia produces             around 79 titles at the end of 2006,    repercussions on the characteristics of
                                          Indonesian publishers that produce      at least 10.000 book titles annually, and             59.  The figure of 766 was a record in IKAPI   Indonesian Islam. It is very important
                                          books on Islam found that up to 2003    from that number 3.000 titles deal with               membership up to 2006. As of now the number has   to elucidate the profiles of Islamic
                                          there were around 4.687 titles of Islamic   Islamic themes.  This means that up to            certainly changed significantly.       book publishers and their roles in the
                                          books. Besides, still according to the   2008, at least 20.000 to 22.000 titles of            60.  Derived from the official website of LKIS   development of Islamic book publishing.
                                                                                                                                        publisher, 2008,
                                                                                  57.  All 29 publishers are Bina Ilmu, Apollo, Salim
                                          54.  See further Nico J. Tompi, “Trend Bacaan   Nabhan, Al-Hidayah, Karya Anda, Al-Haramain   (accessed on July 14, 2008).           In addition to looking for profit, the
                                          1980-an: Cermin Meningkatnya Telaah     Jaya, Pustaka Progressif dan Risalah Gusti            61.  Catalogue of the Darul Haq publisher, April   publishers contributed invaluably to
                                          Keagamaan,” a discussion on religious books   in Surabaya; PT Percetakan Persatuan, Dana      2008 edition.
                                          held by Bagian Perpustakaan dan Dokumentasi   Bhakti Primayasa, Qalam, Gama Media, Pustaka    62.  Taken from the official website of the Serambi   efforts in the promotion of the use of print
                                          Majalah Tempo, Jakarta, 1987, as quoted by   Pelajar, Navilah, LKiS, Adi Gita Group, and Bigraf   publisher, 2008,   culture.
                                          Anwar, Pemikiran dan Aksi…, 124-125.    in Yogyakarta; PT Karya Toha Putra, Menara            (accessed on July 14, 2008).
                                          55.  Institute DIAN/INTERFIDEI was a foundation   Kudus dan Pustaka Mantiq in Central Java. The   63.  Catalogue of the Darul Haq publisher, June   Its lso very important to note that
                                          especifically created for inter-religious dialogue.   publishers Rosda Grup, Mizan, Putera, PT Sinar   2008 edition.                 Islamic book publishers have apparently
                                          It was established on December 20, 1991 in   Baru Algensindo, and Diponegoro in Bandung;                                             adopted a clear outline of Islamic socio-
                                          Yogyakarta, by several inter-religious figures   Logos Wacana Ilmu, Pustaka Zahra, Erlangga   64.  Taken from the official website of LKIS
                                          such as the late Dr. Th. Sumartana, Pastor Eka   dan Bulan Bintang in Jakarta and Banten. See M.   publisher, 2008,   Islamic themes. The data were taken from the
                                          Darmaputera Ph.D., Daniel Dhakidae Ph.D, Zulkifly   Syatibi AH, “Perkembangan Penerbitan Lektur   (accessed on July 14, 2008).       catalogue of Azaam publisher’s 2006 edition,
                                          Lubis and Dr. Djohan Effendi. See further http://  Keagamaan di Indonesia”, http://www.depag.web.  65.  Taken from the official website of Pustaka (accessed June
                                 (accessed on June 20, 2008).  id/research/ (accessed on July 15, 2008).   Al-Kautsar publisher,   20, 2008).
                                          56.  See the Publisher’s preface in Zuly Qodir et   58.  “Jusuf Kalla: Seharusnya Ada Waralaba Toko”,   (accessed on July 14, 2008).  67.  Taken from the official website of Remaja
                                          al. (eds.), Anotasi 200 Buku Islam Karya Muslim   Republika, Sunday, March 5, 2006, http://www.  66.  This publisher is part of the PT Bumi Aksara   Rosdakarya publisher,
                                          Indonesia, (DIAN/Interfidei, Yogyakarta, 1998), iv. (accessed on July 15, 2008).  Group, which specifically published books with   (accessed on July 14, 2008).

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