P. 308
Oemar Said Pemerintahan Islam, written by Muhd. 1931 and reprinted in 1957-1958 (Bangil: Panjimas). Another prominent and modernists (reformists), along An article on
Tjokroaminoto Hasbi Ash-Shiddieqy published 1950 in Persatuan Islam Bagian Pustaka). Muhammadiyah leader, K.H. Mas with their organizations, the NU or the Tjokroaminoto in
substituted H. Medan. 43 Another of his books, At-Tauhid, was Mansoer (1896-1946) chaired the Muhammadiyah could clearly be seen. Tjaja Hindia. This
Samanhoedias the reprinted in 1958 (Bangil: Persatuan Muhammadiyah central board in 1937 article states that
chairman of the SI. However, it should be noted that Islam Bahagian Pustaka). Another Persis and he wrote Risalah Tauhid dan Sjirik Book Publishing as a Religious Tjokroaminoto was
Indonesian mainstream Islam during the
Source: Perpustakaan Sukarno is guided democracy period figure was Moenawar Chalil (1908-1961) (1949) and Himpunan Putusan Tardjih Industry: Its Growth in a warrior who had
Nasional (The National was a continuation of Islam as it was in who had been appointed the chairman of Muhammadijah, which had initially been Contemporary Indonesia fought for Indonesian
Library of the Republic the beginning of the 20 century. In this the Majelis Ulama Persis (Persis Ulama written in 1929. Djarnawi Hadikusumo, The rapid growth of Islamic book Independence.
of Indonesia). period, Islam in Indonesia was divided in Council) and member of the Majelis another important Muhammadiyah publications is evident from the Source: Perpustakaan
two: traditional and reformist, which were Tarjih Muhammadiyah. He wrote a book leader, wrote Muhammadijah Ahlus significant increase in the number of Nasional (The National
represented by the Nahdlatul Ulama on the concept of the people of traditions Sunnah wal-Djama’ah? (Nd) which was publishers that produce Islamic books. Library of the Republic
reprinted under the different title Ahlus
(NU, traditional), and Muhammadiyah (ahlus sunnah) Kembali Kepada Al- If prior to 1980s there were only a few of Indonesia).
and Persis (reformist) respectively. Quran dan as-Sunnah (first published in Sunnah wal-Jama’ah: Bid’ah Khurafat in national-scale Islamic publishers like
This division had become increasingly 1956 and reprinted in 1991). 45 1996 (Yogyakarta: Persatuan). Al Maarif (established in Bandung in
apparent and remained so up to the end An important member of the It appears from the titles of the books 1949), Bulan Bintang (established in
of the 1960s. Because of this, Islamic Muhammadiyah central board from mentioned above it appears that books Jakarta in 1951), and Media Dakwah
books and other printed media partly 1953 to 1971 was Abdul Malik Karim published during the suided democracy (established in Jakarta at the end of
consisted of reprints of works published Amrullah (Hamka). He wrote Peladjaran period concerned theology by way 1970s), from 1981 to 1989, Ikatan
before independence. Islamic books after Agama Islam (Jakarta: Bulan Bintang, of Quranic understanding and aimed Penerbit Indonesia (IKAPI/Association
independence mostly consisted of books 1956), 1001 Soal-Soal Hidup (Jakarta: to strengthen reformist ideas and of Indonesian Publishers) stated that the
published by reformist organizations Bulan Bintang, 1961), and Tafsir Al- ideology. They were mostly published total number of Islamic publishers was
such as the Muhammadiyah and Persis Azhar (Jakarta: Pembimbing Masa, by the organizations themselves or around six. In practice, in the 1980s,
and written by their leaders. At that time, 1967 reprinted 1992) (Jakarta: Pustaka by other publishers that belonged Indonesia was overwhelmed by Islamic
these Islamic organizations did not yet in the field of theology include: Kitab al-Tauhied to reformist organizations. As a 47. IKAPI was established in Jakarta on May 17,
own their own publications departments. (first published in 1937), al-Iman (undated), ’Aqa’id result, up to the end of the 1960s a 1950 through the consensus of several national
(undated), Adakah Tuhan? (1962, reprinted in clear separation among the Muslim publishers. Its membership initially counted only
The book Sual-Djawab by Persis figure Malaysia 1971), Benarkah Muhammad itu Rasul? community between traditionalists 13 publishers including IKAPI itself. See Philips
Ahmad Hassan, was first printed in (1931), and an-Nubuwah (1941). Hassan also wrote J. Vermonte, “Penerbitan Islam di Indonesia:
outside theological: Pengadjaran Shalat (1930, 46. Hamka (1908-1981) was also renowned as a Menuju Sebuah Print Culture?,” in Rizal Sukma
43. See B.J. Boland, Pergumulan Islam di reprinted 1991), Sual Djawab (1931, reprinted poet and a prolific writer. Having been an editor dan Clara Juwono (ed), Gerakan dan Pemikiran
Indonesia, (Jakarta: Grafiti Pers, 1985), 79-88. 1957-1058), and Islam dan Kebangsaan (1941). of the magazine Pedoman Masjarakat (1936- Islam Indonesia Kontemporer, (Jakarta: CSIS,
44. Ahmad Hassan (1887-1958) wrote no less than 45. K.H. Moenawar Chalil, Kembali Kepada Al- Japanese occupation), he also wrote several 2007), 257, “Ikapi Punya Peran Strategis dalam
80 treatises. He was acknowledged as one of the Quran dan as-Sunnah: Suatu Muqaddimah bagi famous books: Ajahku (Jakarta: Widjaya, 1956), Pengembangan Budaya Unggul,” in http://www.
pioneers for the development of Islamic literature Himpunan Hadis-hadis Pilihan (Jakarta: Bulan Tasawuf Modern (first published in 1939, reprinted,, September 13,
in early modern Indonesia. Several of his works Bintang, 1991). Jakarta: Pustaka Panjimas, 1990). 2006 (accessed on May 4, 2008).
298 Indonesian Islamic Culture in Historical Perspectives Indonesian Islamic Culture in Historical Perspectives 299