P. 419

The Ministry of Religious

 Affairs and the Council of

 Indonesian Ulama

 Didi Ahmadi

 The Ministry of Religious Affairs was   governor general on indigenous affairs,   resistance, while concurrently act as   commonwealth ideals under Dai Nippon’s   Consecutive chairmen of
 officially founded in 1946 but it has its   mainly pertaining to Muslims and Arabs.   a unifying movement for the natives.   leadership, Japan appointed the leaders   the Indonesian Scholars
 roots in Dutch colonial times and the   Its role as an advisory officedirectly   Interests in Islam itself had been   of Islamic movements as the heads of   Source: Directorate of
 Japanese occupation. In the Dutch   responsible to the governor general,   on the rise in Japan since the mid-  these offices.  History and Cultural
 colonial period, adherents to religions   made the office far more strategic   1930s along with its desire to conquer   Values, Ministry of
 were classified into two major groups:   than any other office concerned with   the Asia Pacific region.  Therefore,   Ministry of Religious Affairs  Education and Culture
 Christians and non-Christians and   religious affairs. This advisory agency   the Japanese colonial government   As part of the government of the newly   of the Republic of
 religious affairs were coordinated   went through many changes. The Dutch   had formed the Shumubu, a military   independent Republic of Indonesia,   Indonesia.
 by several agencies.  Problems   colonial government no longer based   administrative office for religious affairs   the Ministry of Religious Affairs was
 concerning the general worship of the   its policies on indigenous affairs on fear   established to implement Japanese   authorized to deal with religious issues.
 Christian population were, for instance,   and suspicion and hence they no longer   colonial policies related to religious   Much like the colonial and occupational
 coordinated by the Departement van   wanted much intervention. Advised   issues, especially in Java. 4  governments, the Indonesian government
 Onderwijs en Eeredienst (Department   by the brain behind the operational   This office was almost the same as the   also considered it very important that
 of Education and Worship). Problems   mechanisms of the advisory office and   Kantoor voor Islamitische Zaken of the   Muslims occupied positionsinside the
 related to the religions of the natives,   an expert in Islam, C. Snouck Hurgronje,   Dutch period. However, if during the   state structure. Therefore, a ministry
 marriages, mosques, the hajj and   the Dutch colonial government actively   Dutch period the office was designed   in charge and to take care of Muslim
 such more were regulated by the   managed and governed indigenous   on the principle of “neutrality” toward   problems was absolutely necessary.
 Departement van Binnenlandsch   Muslims’ life in many fields including   religion, in the Japanese era the office
 Bestuur (Ministry of Interior Affairs). The   Islamic organizations, Islamic education,   of religious affairs from the beginning   However, it should be noted that the
 Mahkamah Islam Tinggi (Islamic High   religious courts, the pilgrimage, up   had been designed to garner Muslim   establishment of the ministry of religion
 Court) and the Hoofd voor Islamitische   to the construction of mosques and   leaders’support for the Japanese   affair’s had its own political objective – it
 Zaken(Head of Islamic Affairs) fell under   inheritance matters. 2  military authorities.  To reap more   was a concession of the power that-be
 the authority of the Departement van   massive Muslim public support offices   to Islamic political process. It needs
                                                 to be reiterated here that at the time
 Justitie (Ministry of Justice).  During the Japanese occupation,   werealso opened in the provinces
 the way the colonial government had             there were concerns about the voice
 Outside theseDutch institutions,   handled indigenous and religious   under the name Shumuka which were   and the power of Islam which forced
 the Kantoor voor Inlandsche Zaken   affairs remained essentially unchanged.   authorized to supervise local religious   the Indonesian government first under
 (Office for Native Affairs) was another   Fearing potential resistance from the   life at regencyand lower levels. In order   Soekarno and subsequently under
 institution that was most influential in the   Indonesian Muslim community, Japan   to ensure the Indonesian Muslims’   Soeharto to work hard to weaken and
 formulation of Dutch colonial policies on   needed to domesticate it through   sympathy and support for the Pan-Asian   “domesticate” the Muslim’s powerful
 Islam. Its primary task was to advice the   making systematic arrangements for   3. Benda 1955, “Indonesian Islam”, p. 353.  voice.  In fact, the establishmentof
 1. Kementerian Agama 2014, “Profil Kementerian   those religious fields that might incite   4. Benda 1985, The Crescent and the Rising Sun;   6.  Bahtiar Effendy 2009, Islam dan Negara:
 Agama”, being accessed on February 22, 2014   Benda 1955, “Indonesian Islam”,  p. 354.  Transformasi Gagasan dan Praktik Politik Islam
 from  2. Suminto 1985, Politik Islam, pp. 111-114.  5.  Benda 1955, “Indonesian Islam”,  p. 354.  di Indonesia, the expanded 2  edition, (Jakarta:

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