P. 424
The Ministry of Religious Affairs’coaching life in supporting religious harmony; and the Minister of the Interior no. 8 and disruptions; and 3) to identify and
program for religious harmony rested 2) to promote an environment for and 9, 2006 on the Guidelines for the Duties revitalize local wisdom that supports
essentially on Presidential Decree no. circumstances capable of supporting of the Regional and Deputy Regional religious harmony. 18
1/1965 on the prevention of abuse and/ attitudes and behavior leading to Heads in maintaining religious harmony, However, some circles added some
or blasphemy, which later became known religious harmony; 3) to foster and the empowerment of the FKUB, and the
as Law no. 1/PNPS/1965 after having develop attitudes and behavior that establishment of houses of worship. 17 critical notes as they concluded that
been promoted to law in 1969. Other, manifest religious harmony. These things the inter-religious dialogue program
similar policies were issued to regulate mean that the religious community is The FKUB’s strategic role and the was insufficiently entrenched and
religious adherents’coexistence. Some responsible for development, particularly issuance of PBM, among others, were played a less significant role at the
policies, including the Joint Decree of in the context of building religious to increase the forum’s position as the community level. These critical notes
the Minister of Religious Affairs and the harmony. government’s principal tool to organize were made in reaction to events that
Minister of the Interior number 01/BER/ The technical implementation of the dialogues. Its role was also to get occurred in regions like Situbondo,
mdn-mag/1969 on the implementation government’s more institutionalized to know the aspirations of religious Tasikmalaya, Ketapang, Kupang,
of government officials’ tasks to assure attempts to foster religious harmony figures, religious organizations and Ambon, Poso and the Moluccas, where
the orderly and smooth implementation is the official task of the Center for society in general in order to be able religious violence occurred in the
of the right of the religion adherents to Religious Harmony (Pusat Kerukunan to offer recommendations to the heads 2000s, especially between Muslims and
perform their religion ceremonies and Umat Beragama, PKUB), an institution of the regional authorities to promote Christians. These events showed that
rituals. The Joint Decree of the Minister under the authority of the Ministry of policies related to religious harmony, inter-religious dialogue still met with
of Religious Affairs and the Minister of Religious Affairs. In 2000, this institution and to make written recommendations practical difficulties. Some obstacles
the Interior no. 1/1979 on procedures had a sizable share in the process of on requests for the establishment of were that the dialogues tended to be
for religious propagation and foreign the recognition of Confucianism as one houses of worship. The FKUB also has discursive and elitist and frivolous in the
assistance to religious institutes; the of the official religions in Indonesia. a more practical and tactical role crucial ways they addressed thegaps between
Instruction of the Minister of Religious Managing religious harmony is also to the formation of religious harmony religious elites and mediators in the field,
Affairs no. 4/1978 on policies regarding organized in regional inter-faith forums in Indonesia. For example, the FKUB negative prejudices among inter-religious
local belief systems; and the Decree called the Forum for Religious Harmony has the cleartasks 1) to detect and map adherents, existing socio-economic
of the Minister of Religious Affairs no. (FKUB) which are strategic partners of cases of religious disharmony; 2) to disparities, and the lowlevel of justice for
35/1980 on consultative councils for the government in linking the interests reduce and to find solutions for potential the whole of society. A former Minister
religious adherents. of Religious Affairs Thalchah Hasan
of the government and of societyin 17. Atho Mudzhar (2013), “Lingkungan dan Peran
Broadly speaking, the program of the context of religious harmony. The Strategis FKUB dalam Pemeliharaan Kerukunan saw that the strengthening of religious
Umat Beragama dan Persatuan Nasional,” a paper
religious harmony as stated in the Basic role of this forum was strengthened on the workshop on fasilitating the increasing 18. Mudzhar 2013, “Lingkungan dan Peran
Guidelines on Religious Life for the year by the issuance of the Joint Ministerial institutional capacity of the regional FKUB of the Strategis FKUB”.
1985/1986 the government sought 1) Regulation (Peraturan Bersama Menteri, provinces and residence/city,Directorate General 19. Ulil Abshar Abdalla 2000, “Beberapa Kendala
Praktis Dialog Antar Agama”, Kompas Agustus 5,
Nation Unity and Politics, the Ministry of Interior, 3
to instill the importance of community PBM) of the Minister of Religious Affairs and 4 September 2013. 2000.
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