P. 429
needed to be upheld; second, the the way the adherents of this religion Confucianism and religious education for Government supported. Policies
law is constitutional but needs to be could live their faith. They ranged from the adherents of Confucianism. Through taken by the independent Indonesian
revised; and third, the law considered not being able to state their faith on this letter marriages of Confucians were government up until the 1960s had
unconstitutional and had to be canceled their identity cards and problems in the declared valid before the registry office, failed to change Islamic education’s
and revoked (Mudzhar 2010). However, organization of religious worship, up to and religious education for its adherents marginal position, let alone to make it a
the experts focused on two opposing their way of living. As the consequence was facilitated by the government. 27 central issue. This was, as noted earlier,
opinions. The pro-judicial review group of this government policy, for more because of the government’s impartiality
argued that freedom of religion should than 30 years, Confucians had to Education, Justice, and the Hajj towards Islamist groups.
be implemented and guaranteed as the merge into other religious communities. In addition to religious harmony, the In the 1970s, when Mukti Ali was
state cannot interfere in religious matters. The good news for them came with Ministry of Religious Affairs also has the Minister of Religious Affairs, the
The contra-judicial review group argued Abdurrahman Wahid’s Presidential the task to deal with Islamic education, government policies for Islamic education
that without the PNPS law, religious Decree no. 6/2000 which repealed the the organization of religious courts, the began to show some changes. The
desecration would happen more freely prohibitions imposed on Confucians, performance of the hajj and various other release of the Joint Decree of Three
and that this wouldcause more serious and subsequentlyPresidential Decree Ministers (the Ministers of Religious
disharmony between religious groups no. 19/2002 which proclaimed Chinese related religious matters. Educational Affairs, Education and Culture, and
affairs, justice, and the pilgrimage had
and therefore, Indonesia as a non- New Year (Imlek)a National Day, and the Interior) no. 6/1975 was a turning
secular state had to protect religions. 26 the Decree of the Minister of Religious been serious concerns since the era of 30
Affairs no. 331/2002, which proclaimed the Islamic kingdoms in the archipelago point in Islamic education. It required
The Ministry of Religious Affairs ---as Chinese New Year a National Holiday. and the Dutch colonial administration. that the pillars of Islamic education,
seen in the case of religious-based Finally, Confucianism was recognized The Dutch colonial administration called madrasah, were made equal to
sectarian conflicts---was impressed as one of the official religions in supervisedIslamic education in the the education levels in public schools.
not to dampen or to find solutions for Indonesia and its festive day also had Dutch East Indies throughthe Regulation As a result, the madrasah’s curriculum
disrupted religious harmony, but rather become a national holiday through the on Islamic Education of 1905, which was converted into 70 percent general
to back the perpetrators. However, government’s new policy. However, it contains detailed and strict rules about subjects and 30 percent religious
some positive achievements should actually did not mean freedom for all licensing and religious teachers. instruction. This meant the beginning of
also be noted, especially this ministry’s of its adherents in Indonesia. All the Therefore, even though Islam was the the modernization of Islamic education,
contributions to efforts to establish and Confucians’religious and civil rights were religion of the indigenous population, which was more strongly affirmed by
maintain religious harmony. Another finally met after the Minister of Religious Islamic education was always put in a 29. Azra and Jamhari 2006, “Pendidikan
positive note is its decision about Affairs sent a letter numbered 12/ marginal position in contrast to Christian Islam Indonesia dan Tantangan Globalisasi:
Perspektif Sosio-Historis”, in Jajat Burhanuddin
Confucianism. Since the issuance of MA/2006 dated 24 January 2006 to the education which the Dutch East Indies and Dina Afrianty, Mencetak Muslim Modern:
the Presidential Instruction no. 14/1967, Minister of the Interior and the Minister Peta Pendidikan Islam Indonesia, (Jakarta:
Confucians experienced limitations in of National Education on the clarification 27. Mudzhar (2010), “Pengaturan Kebebasan RajaGrafindo Persada), p. 2.
30. Azra and Jamhari 2006, “Pendidikan Islam
26. Bagir etal. 2011, Laporan Tahunan. of the marital status according to 28. Noer 1980, Gerakan Modern Islam, p. 194. Indonesia”, p. 3.
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