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Consultation meeting   the issuance of the Law on the National   by an advisory board in the name   Muslims to formally and legally resolve   were originally under the authority of the
 of Indonesian Islamic   Education System (UU Sisdiknas) in   of the governor-general, as Snouck   Islamic legal cases, but they werenot to   Ministry of Religious Affairs.
 scholars in Pondok   1989. In this Law, the educational levels   Hurgronje had arranged.  Despite the   issue normative Islamic regulations. 34  The unification of the religious courts
 Pesantren Cipasung,   of public schools and madrasahs were   colonial administration’s recognition,   into judicial bodies under the Supreme
 Tasikmalaya, West Java  equalized.  This equality became even   the religious courts’ judicial authority   The demand for legal reform that   Court had some consequences. Firstly,
 cleared by the statement that madrasahs   remained constrained. Its function highly   had started in 1998 finally affected
 Source: Pondok   the religious courts. In 1999, the   it was clear that it was aimed at the
 Pesantren Cipasung   are an essential part of “public education”   dependedon the policies the advisory   government passed Law no. 35, which   explicit separation of executive and
 characterized by Islam. After this period,   board recommended to the governor   judicative power, which previously at
 modern Islamic education spread to   general.  is a correction to Law no. 14/1970 on   some points had looked blurred. With
 many regions in Indonesia. Thus, the   the Distribution of Judicial Authority.   this clear separation, state institutions
 issuance of the 2003 National Education   The firmness of the Indonesian   The 1999 Law is the fundament for the   were expected to become increasingly
 Law was no more than the affirmation of   government about the position of   mediation of the unification process   conducive more democratic and
 the new position Islamic education had   religious courts became apparent in the   of all judiciary institutions under the   transparent structure. Secondly, it
 acquiredin the context of overall human   New Order era by the issuance of Law   Supreme Court, both as seen from   aimed to further consolidate the position
 development in Indonesia.  no. 14/1970 that divided judicial authority   the technical side as well as from   of the judiciary, especially regarding
 into General Courts, Religious Courts,   its administration, up to financial
 The Religious Courts are also rooted   Military Courts, and Administrative   matters. The third amendment of the   the strengthening of formal, legal and
 in the long history of the nation ever   Courts. To position of religious courts   1945 constitution was followed by the   technical proceedings. Thirdly, as defined
 since the time of competing Islamic   was further strengthened byLaw no.   issuance of Law no. 4/2004 which   by article 2 of Law no. 3/2006, this
 sultanates and during the colonial era.   1/1974 on Marriage, followed by several   further confirmed the unification of   separation turned religious courts into
 After the Dutch had conquered the   implementing regulations. In 1989, with   judicial authority. The law states that   one of the judicial authorities for Muslims
 Islamic sultanates, religious courts   the promulgation of Law no. 7 which was   “judicial power is conducted by the   who seek justice in specific ‘Islamic’
 were regulated by the issuance of   several times amended up to 2009 to   Supreme Court and all judicial bodies   cases. Hence, the religious courts’
 Staatsblad no. 152/1882 on Religious   give religious courts a clearer legal status   that fall under its jurisdiction, i.e. the   authority changed as it has become
 Courts and Islamic law.  From then   general courts, religious courts, military   more extensive and include tribunal
 on, the government’s intervention in   and authority. Besides, the issuance of   courts, and state administration courts,   disputes on alms giving, charities, and
 religious matters became manifest.   Law no. 3/2006 which regulates religious   and the constitutional court”. Therefore,   the Shari‘a economy. 35
 The next step was to place judges and   courts’judicial technical coaching,   judicial institutions in Indonesia are   Meanwhile, the centrality of the haj
 religious courts under the authority   organization, administration and finance,   now under the Supreme Court, with no   administration had since the Dutch
 of the Hoofd voor Islamitische Zaken   the significance of religious courts’ within   exception for religious courts, which   colonial time been seriously felt. In
 (Head for Islamic Affairs) and supervised   the legal frame of Indonesia became   the colonial era, the pilgrimage was
 even more clear. Hence, they became   34.  Muhammad Daud Ali 1991, “Hukum Islam:
 31. Azra and Jamhari 2006, “Pendidikan Islam   Peradilan dan Masalahnya”, in Tjun Surjaman   35.  Jaenal Arifin 2008, Peradilan Agama dalam
 Indonesia”, p. 5.  the primary venues for Indonesian   (ed.), Hukum Islam di Indonesia: Pemikiran dan   Bingkai Reformasi Hukum di Indonesia, (Jakarta:
 32. Suminto 1985, Politik Islam, pp. 29-30.  33. Suminto 1985, Politik Islam.  Praktek, (Bandung: Remaja Rosdakarya), p. 75.  Prenada Media), pp. 14-15.

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