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power in Indonesia once and for all. to realize their shared goals. The Basri, Prof. K.H. Ali Yafie, K.H. M. Sahal warnings (tadhkirah), instructions
However, the regime was adamant. The MUI’s Basic Guidelines state that its Mahfudh, and Prof. Dr. Din Syamsuddin. or mandates (amanah), statements,
government reaffirmed its idea during the fundamental objective is to participate As it states on its website, the MUI has appeals, and offers new ideas.
next PDII conference in 1974 and a year in the realization of a just, prosperous, 12 commissions: 1) fatwa, 2) Islamic
later, Soeharto proclaimed to support safe, and peaceful society (article 2). On brotherhood, 3) Islamic propagation and The MUI in the New Order era
the establishment of the council before its website the MUI also states that its community development, 4) education The MUI is a product of the New Order
the Indonesian Mosque Council (DMI). role is to offer advice and guidance andto and regeneration, 5) Muslim economic government. In his opening speech at the
To realize the President’s proposal, issue fatwas for the government and the empowerment, 6) information and MUI first National Conference, President
in the same year the Interior Minister community on religious and social issues communication, 7) women, youth, Soeharto declared that the MUI had the
ordered all of the heads of the provinces to increase activities for the realization and families, 8) law and legislation, 9) roles to act as: 1) translator of concepts
and residence/cityregions to establish a of an Islamic brotherhood and harmony research and study, 10) inter-religious and activities of community development
clergymen council. From 21 to 27 July between religious communities. Its duties harmony, 11) Islamic art and culture, and at the national and local levels; 2)
1975, the Ministry of Religious Affairs also include tobolster national unity, to 12) foreign relations and international
held a national ‘ulama conference. form a bridge between scholars and the cooperation. The MUI also has councils advisory body for the government related
On 26 July, the conference that was government, to mediate between the and institutions such as the National to religious issues; 3) mediator bridging
attended by religious scholars, Muslim people and the government to foster Shari‘a Council (Dewan Syariah the government and religious scholars;
intellectuals, and representatives of national development, and to improve Nasional, DSN) that concentrates on and 4) consultation forum for ‘ulama to
the Islamic spirituality sections under relations and cooperation between Islamic-labeled economic activities, discuss their duties and responsibilities
the Indonesian Armed Forces (ABRI) organizations, Islamic institutions, and Research Institute for Food, Drugs and as religious scholars. The regime’s
reached an agreement, established Muslim. 45 Cosmetics (Lembaga Pengkajian Pangan support was not limited to facilitating its
the Indonesian Ulama Council (Majelis Obat-obatan dan Kosmetika, LP-POM) programs. New Order regime had always
Ulama Indonesia, MUI) and appointed The MUI is an Ulama (scholars on that produces halal certificates, the funded the despite the fact the MUI had
Prof. Dr. Hamka or better known as Buya Islamic doctrine) organization and its Center for the Environment and Natural failed to give the maximum services in
Hamka as its first chairman. 44 members originate from social Islamic Resources (PLH-SDA), and others. recent years.
organizations such as the Nahdlatul
As stated in its official website, the Ulama, Muhammadiyah, Al-Irsyad, al- In general, the MUI’s most fundamental The above conditions, coupled with the
Indonesian Ulama Council is a social Washliyah, Persatuan Islam (Persis), function is to act as mufti (fatwa maker). fatwas it produced and the personal and
organization that serves as a vehicle Pergerakan Tarbiyah Islamiyah (PERTI), Fatwas may be issued by the MUI’s fatwa institutional closeness of MUI figures
for Muslim scholars (‘ulama), Muslim and many others. Figures who have commission but also by the DSN while and government leaders, many people
leaders (zu‘ama’), and Indonesian served as MUI chairmen include Prof. Dr. other fatwas can be the results of Muslim concluded that the MUI could not be
Muslim intellectuals to unite their efforts scholar’s consensus and MUI national fully independent or free from the ruling
Hamka, K.H. Shukri Ghozali, K.H. Hasan
42. Ichwan 2005, “Ulama, State and Politics”, p. 47. 45. Majelis Ulama Indonesia (MUI) 2013, being deliberations. Besides fatwas, the MUI regime’s interests. According to them,
43. Ichwan 2005, “Ulama, State and Politics”, p. 48. accessed on February 20, 2013 from http://www. also issues other kinds of legal decisions the MUI was an organization created to
44. Ichwan 2005, “Ulama, State and Politics”, p. 48. such as recommendations (tausiyyah), 46. Ichwan 2005, “Ulama, State and Politics”, p. 48.
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