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neutralize Islamic political forces, which   more priority on the people’s demands   Christians are only allowed with respect   participate in Christmas celebrations.
 often were at odds with Soeharto’s   rather than on government interests.    to worldly affairs for which it cited three   During the authoritarian New Order
 regime. It was created to break as well as   The MUI does not always support the   verses of the Koran (QS 49: 13; 31:15;   regime, the MUI also tended to issue
 to neutralize Islam as one of the biggest   government. In his research, Atho   and 60: 8).  fatwas related to Islamic jurisprudence
 political forces in Indonesia, to regulate   Mudzhar proved that from the 22 fatwa   Furthermore, the MUI declared that a   and social issues. It appears that it hardly
 public life and to convince the people   the MUI issued from 1975 to 1988, only   Muslim should not blur his own worship   ever issued fatwas with a political content
 to vote for the Golkar in the general   eight can be classified as supporting   and theological beliefs with those of   or on the state’s practices as it would do
 elections.  Moreover, it was seen to   government policies, three actually   other religions. For this it used QS   at a later stage. Initially, on these issues
 be no more than the most palpable   contravened the government, while the   al-Kafirun/106: 1-6 and al-Baqarah/2:   the MUI tended to remain quiet. 53
 embodiment of the bureaucratization of   remaining 11 were neutral.  The three   42. To deny the Christian concept of   This reticence of the MUI showed its
 Islam  and only meant to support the   fatwas that contravened the government   God, it quoted various Qur’anic verses   weakness and that of the Indonesian
 state’s interests,  although in the end it   included a fatwa related to the prohibition   about Jesus and Mary to finally declare   Muslims before the New Order regime.
 did not perform this role optimally.   of abortion, the unlawfulness of the use   that Christmas celebrations cannot be   Some examples that can be put forward
 of vasectomy and in vitro fertilazation         in this context are that the MUI remained
 In any case, the MUI is not a state   in family planning programs, and the   seen in isolation of Jesus’ divine status,
 agency whose formation is founded   fatwa on the prohibition for Muslims to   which is contrary to the Qur’an. Thus,   silent in the case of the government
 on a specific legal source. It remains a   congratulate Christians at Christmas and   the participation of Muslimsin Christmas   sponsored football tournaments lottery
 non-governmental organization whose   to attend Christmas celebrations.  celebrations could lead to a syncretic   (Porkas) and the tragedy of the killings
                                                 in Tanjung Priok in 1984 in which the
 leadership is elected by its members on   attitude and thus may pollute the   state apparatus was involved. In the first
 a regular basis. Although the government   The fatwa that banned Muslims to   Muslim’s monotheistic beliefs.  case, the MUI did not whole heartedly
 had a very large share in its formation   participate in Christmas celebrations   Finally, the MUI quoted a Prophetic   welcome the Muslim majority’s protest
 process, the MUI has not always been   was the first controversial fatwa issued   Hadith that suggests avoiding something   against  the lawful status of the Porkas
 in favor of the government interests or   by MUI. It was issued on 7 March 1981.   unclear (shubhat) to justify that the   lottery as voiced by the NU and the
 its decisions. Several prominent MUI   The MUI bases its fatwa on Islamic   participation of Muslimsin Christmas   Muhammadiyah.  Instead, the chairman
 members remain independent and put   teachings derived from the Koran and the   celebrations should be seen as meddling   of the fatwa commission at that time,
 Prophetic Hadith. First of all it underlined
 47. Donald J. Porter 2002, Managing Politics and   with unclear matter. The fatwa was   Ibrahim Hosen, argued that the kind of
 Islam in Indonesia, (London: RoutledgeCurzon),   that relationships between Muslims and   reinforced with the rules of Islamic law   gambling that has a negative impact
 p. 76.  50. See Mun’im Sirry 2013, “Fatwas and Their
 48. M.B. Hooker 2003, Indonesian Islam: Social   Controversy: The Case of the Council of   “to escape from a danger is preferred   and which Islam disallows differed
 Change through Contemporary Fatawa, (Honolulu:   Indonesian Ulama (MUI)”, Journal of Southeast   to trying to take advantage.” The MUI   from the Porkas lottery, which helped
 University of Hawai’i Press), p. 60.  Asian Studies, vol. 44, no. 1. See also Ichwan   thus finally concluded that it is unlawful   the government to execute beneficial
 49. Martin van Bruinessen 1990, “Indonesia’s   2005, ‘Ulama, State and Politics’.  and therefor forbidden for Muslims to
 ulama and politics: caught between legitimising the   51. Ichwan 2005, “Ulama, State and Politics”, p.   53. Ichwan 2005, “Ulama, State and Politics”, p. 51.
 status quo and searching for alternatives”, Prisma -   51; Sirry 2013, “Fatwas and Their Controversy”, p.   52. Sirry 2013, “Fatwas and Their Controversy”, pp.   54. Bruinessen 1990, “Indonesia’s ulama and
 The Indonesian Indicator, No. 49.  102.  104-105.  politics”.

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