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statement calling for the acceptance of   simply urged the people to give their               perhaps also certain political parties,   this political party was dominated by the
                                          President Habibie’s mandate.            vote, because it was a way to determine               which it considered might harm Islam in   non-Muslim candidates.  In the end,
                                                                                  the character of the nation and the                   Indonesia.                             the MUI’s advice did not significantly
                                          To justify its recommendation, the MUI
                                          started its argument by citing the Qur’an.   society it was also important to elect the       The third recommendation was issued    boost the vote for Islamic parties. The
                                          It used QS 3: 104 on “commanding the    trusted political party – the party that              in June, just a few days ahead of the   only Islamic party that gained more than
                                          good and prohibiting evil, QS 4: 59 on   would be able to lead the nation into                election. From its title, “Instructions to   5 percent of the total vote in the 1999
                                          the obligation to believe in God, the   the world of place and prosperity. The                Muslims for the 1999 elections”, the   election was the PPP (10.7 percent).
                                                                                  first recommendation was very general
                                                                                                                                                                               Two other parties affiliated with the
                                          Prophet and those in authority (viz.    and did not have the explicit objective               MUI seemed to be firm in its advice. By   Islamic masses despite their acceptation
                                          the government), and QS 8: 46 on the    to solicit support for or against any                 quoting QS 3: 28 on the prohibition for
                                          prohibition to prolong a useless debate.   particular political party.                        the faithful to make friends with or to ask   of the Pancasila as their principal basis
                                          In essence, the MUI urged the president                                                       for help from those who do not believe,   were the PKB (affiliated with the NU,
                                                                                                                                                                               12.6 percent) and PAN loosely (affiliated
                                          and pro-reform groups to take productive   The second recommendation was                      this recommendation in essence 1) urged   with the Muhammadiyah, 7.1 percent).
                                          stepsin relation to the importance of a   released in May 1999 and entitled “the              Muslims to choose a political party that   The winner of the 1999 elections, as
                                          return to religious and moral teachings,   recommendation of the MUI leadership               would fight for the interests of the people,   predicted, was the secular party PDIP
                                          to meetthe people’s basic, especially   for the 1999 election”. The contents had              the nation and the state. 2) invited   (33.7 percent), followed by the Golkar
                                          economic needs andto continue           become more specific. The MUI urged                   Muslims to choose a political party that   (22.4 percent). The Golkar, which
                                          political reform through cooperation    the people to use their right to vote                 seriously nominated Muslim candidates.   had almost been destroyed as it was
                                          with the Government and the House of    and to choose the leaders who would                   3) opposed a return of communism,      identified with Soeharto’s authoritarian
                                          Representatives. It also stated that the   defend the aspirations of all the citizens.        authoritarianism, and a secular        regime, seems to have benefitted most
                                          MUI fully supportedPresident Habibie’s   Then the MUI invited Muslims to favor                government and it aimed at discouraging   from the MUI’s recommendation. This
                                          leadership. 65                          the Islamic brotherhood and Islamic                   the choice of a political party that had
                                                                                  political parties in order to compete for                                                    may be because of the majority of its
                                          Ahead of the June 1999general           goodness (fastabiq al-khairat). Lastly,               demonstrated that it hated Islam. The   candidates were Muslims. After all
                                          elections, the MUI issued three related   the recommendation warned Muslims to                last call clearly shows the MUI’s call on   Golkar was the oldest party, while the
                                          recommendations on the importance of    be vigilant against the latent danger of              Muslims to choose a political party ready   Islamic parties were the new – comers.
                                          taking part in the elections and onthe   communism and the Communist Party                    to fight for the aspirations of the people   During the administration of
                                          selection of future leaders. However,   of Indonesia. This recommendation                     and the nation and it instructed Muslims   Abdurrahman Wahid (Gus Dur), the MUI
                                          the recommendations had different       began to reveal the MUI’s intention to                not to vote for a non-Muslim leader or   also underwent changes especially in
                                          objectives. In April, the first MUI     invite Indonesian Muslims to vote for                 political party dominated by non-Muslim   its financial administration and in MUI-
                                          recommendation entitled “the MUI’s      Islam-based political parties and invited             candidates.                            government relations. In addition to the
                                          appeal to make the 1999 elections a     Islamic parties not to fight one another.             The tendency the PDIP, under the
                                          success” urged the public to vote. It   In the meantime the MUI called on the                 leadership of Megawati Sukarnoputri,   66. Ichwan 2005, “Ulama, State and Politics”, p. 56.
                                                                                                                                                                               67. Ricklefs 2008, Sejarah Indonesia Modern, p.
                                          65. Ichwan 2005, “Ulama, State and Politics”, p. 53.  Muslims to be wary of certain groups,   might win the election. The MUI saw    710.

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