P. 447
Kyai Haji Syamsudin people who equalized terrorism with the enzymes derived from nuts as one of the economy regulation” in the field of or on the package stating that the
(center) founder of the Islamists’ vision on the establishment ingredients used in its food seasonings halal certification and it obtained product or package is lawful”. Hence,
Pondok Pesantren Duri of the Shari‘a and the Caliphate in product. As a result of this finding, on 16 the same position as in the case of food or goods must first pass a test by
Sawo, Ponorogo, East Indonesia. Nevertheless, the chaotic December 2000,the MUI issued a fatwa Islamic banking. LP-POM is the only the accredited inspection institution
Java relations between HTI and the MUI declaring that Ajinomoto products were institution authorized to inspect and which in this case is LP-POM MUI. A
did not last long but were the cause declared “unlawful” (haram) and that the identify whether food is halal or not. halal certificate is valid for two years
Source: Documentation
Pondok Pesantren Duri of a series of heated debates. Both Muslim community in Indonesia was not The MUI’s halal fatwa is not a religious and can be extended. The inspection
Sawo seemed to have understood each allowed to consume it. recommendation like fatwas on other institution can conduct random tests on
other, and even started to resume their issueswhere it has a binding effect on the certified products at any time and the
cooperation to release decisions in line Gus Dur as the President of Indonesia public. In the case of halal certification outcome may influence the decision
with the interests of Islamic orthodoxy at the time responded to the MUI’s for industries, the same as in the banking on the issuance or extension of the
in Indonesia, as later will be seen in declaration on the unlawfulness of sector, the MUI halal fatwa is a ruling certificate. 75
MUI fatwas related to the religiously Ajinomoto products. According to instrument with the power to enforce
awkward status of the Ahmadiyah, the him, the MUI had been mistaken to much likestate rules. Furthermore, Fatwa, Religious Violence, and the
unlawfulness of secularism, liberalism issue a fatwa on this food seasoning this monopoly has turnedinto the MUI’s Development of Islamic Thought
and pluralism, etc. productandthe Muslim community primary means of fundraising after Gus The ascendancy of conservative
could safely consume the Ajinomoto Dur’s administration had discontinued
Although the MUI seemed to be more product. However, his criticism had groups within era of Reformation MUI
welcoming and sensitive to political no effect on the fatwa. On the contrary, itssubsidy. can no longer be denied. MUI’s shift
issues in this period, the council also Gus Dur’s opinion was considered Halal certification is the process of halal toward conservatism has become more
paid attention topurely legal and common more politically-inspired than having labeling for a product manufactured or apparent by the issuance of several
social issues. A clear example of this been made for purely religious reasons. sold in Indonesia, so the cleanliness fatwas that tended to affirm the struggle
are several fatwas on cases such as Therefore, Islamic political parties along and the suitability of the product for of conservative groups. So, it is not
lawful food, and the provision of halal with the other parties in the House of consumption is guaranteed with the surprising that the presumption emerged
certificates for food and cosmetic Representatives generally supported the standard rulings contained in Islamic that the MUI and conservatives groups
products. The most famous case and MUI’s fatwa. The disputes between the doctrines. The only agency authorized had entered into a relationship beneficial
one that received much public attention legislative council and Gus Dur at that to produce halal certificates is LP-POM to both, and that it even strengthened
was the MUI’s fatwa on Ajinomoto, the time were worsening by the day. MUI,based onLaw no. 7/1996, in which their respective positions. Conservatives-
food seasoning product from Japan. paragraph 30 (2) (e) states that “any fundamentalists are convinced to have
After having had a halal certificate The Ajinomoto case had set the person producing or importing food secured their existence because the
from LP POM MUI from June 1999 precedent for the MUI’s monopoly packages to Indonesia for commercial fatwas of the MUI tend to be in favor of
until November 2000, Ajinomoto had over what Tim Lindsey called “Islamic purposes must add amark to the product their line of struggle. While the MUI also
started to use bacto soytone containing 71. Ichwan 2005, “Ulama, State and Politics”, p. 69. 73. Lindsey 2012, “Monopolising Islam”, p. 266. feels that public recognition proves its
pig enzymes to replace poly-peptone 72. Ichwan 2005, “Ulama, State and Politics”, p. 70. 74. Lindsey 2012, “Monopolising Islam”, p. 268. 75. Lindsey 2012, “Monopolising Islam”, p. 267.
436 Indonesian Islamic Culture in Historical Perspectives Indonesian Islamic Culture in Historical Perspectives 437