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alignment with the Muslim community.   intensive rhetoric and strong lobbying   Islam.  In fact, as voiced by a senior   and which became the concern of the
 It strengthens its position by defining   had forced the MUI to re-issue its fatwa   FPI official, Shabri Lubis, the Ahmadiyah   fatwa was the understanding that all
 public opinion through the affirmation   in stronger language on this group of   congregation had to be combatted. In   religions are equal and each religious
 of fundamental-conservative groups   Islam that was originally rooted in India.   public, FPI leaders called on Muslims   truth is relative. The second term, which
 who always claim themselves to be the   The 2005 fatwa combines the 1980   to brandish the flag of war against the   the MUI finds acceptable, is the reality
 representatives of the Muslim-majority in   MUI fatwa and the 1984 instruction and   Ahmadiyyah and to declare that they   of the presence of different religions and
 Indonesia.  affirmed that 1) the Ahmadiyah doctrine   had polluted the Islamic faith, on the   that their adherents live alongside each
 The climax came in the seventh MUI   deviates from Islam, 2), Ahmadiyah   basis of which spilling their blood was   another. The MUI understood religious
          lawful.  Some organizations noted that
                                                 liberalism as understanding religious
 National Congress in 2005, when it   followers must return to true Islam based   the period from 2005 to 2011 had seen   texts or giving them meaning by the use
 issued no less than 11 fatwas. Two   on the Qur’an and the Hadith, and 3)   houses, mosques, offices, and schools   of reason and the only accepted religious
 of them caused a prolonged and   the government has to prohibit the   that belonged to the Ahmadiyah in West   doctrine are those that accordwith
 fierce controversy, i.e. the fatwa that   adherence to Ahmadiyah principles and   Java, Lombok, and Banten destroyed   rationality. It defined secularism as
 proclaimed that the Ahmadiyah was   to ban the Ahmadiyyah from Indonesia.   and set on fire, and at least two Ahmadis   the separation of worldly and religious
 heretical and the fatwa on the prohibition   Ultimately, the 2005 MUI fatwa justified   had been murdered. 79  affairs, in which religion is only seen as
 of secularism, pluralism and liberalism.   radical Islamic groups such as the FUI   a personal relationship with God, while
 The 2005 MUI fatwa on the Ahmadiyah   and FPI’s intimidating actions, physical   Another manifestation of the MUI’s   human relations are governed by social
 was actually not new. The MUI had   violence, persecution, arson andthe   increasing favor with the growing current   contracts. Furthermore, to conclude the
 issued a similar fatwa in 1980 followed by   closing of Ahmadiyah offices and places   of post-reform Islamic conservatism is   fatwa, the MUI stated that pluralism,
 the instruction to the group of Ahmadis   of worship.  the MUI fatwa on the unlawfulness of   liberalism and secularism had abused
 in 1984. However, since the New Order   From 2005 to 2008 the violence radical   pluralism, liberalism and secularism. In   Islam and, therefore, Muslims were not
 regime used to treat the discussion   its fatwa, the MUI firstly explained the   allowed to follow these ideologies. 80
 on the religiously sensitive issues as   Islamic groups perpetrated against the   definitions of the three issues at hand.
 something unwanted MUI’s  fatwa and   Ahmadiyah congregation was intense.   The MUI divided pluralism into religious   The fatwa on the unlawfulness of
 instruction gave no social effects. The   In 2008, one radical group even urged   pluralism and the plurality of religions.   pluralism, liberalism, and secularism
 Ahmadiyah adherents could still continue   the government to issue a Joint Decree   The first term, which the MUI rejected   inevitably incited responses and
 to live and practice their faith as they had   (SKB) by the Minister of Religious Affairs,   criticism from various factions as well
 done since 1925. 76  the Attorney General and the Minister of   77. Avonius 2008, “The Ahmadiyya”, p. 48.  as from the religious communities. The
 the Interior on the Ahmadiyah’s deviant   78. Platzdach 2011, “Religious freedom in   proponents of the fatwa were Islamic
 However, 2005 seemed to tell another   status and the cessation of all activities   Indonesia”, p. 10.  radical groups, who used it to legitimate
 story. The radical Islamic groups’   to spread itsdoctrine in Indonesia (Joint   79. Wahid Institute 2011, Lampu merah kebebasan   theirthreats and acts of violence, as
          beragama. See also R. Susanti 2008, “When
 76.  L. Avonius 2008, “The Ahmadiyya and   Decree of three ministers, 2008). In those   Human Rights become so political: state-  may be seen in the raid on JIL’s office
 freedom of religion in Indonesia”, ISIM Review,   Islam relation and its impact on the Ahmadiyya
 vol. 22, p. 48. See also Platzdach 2011, “Religious   years, the Ahmadiyah congregation was   community in Indonesia”, Institute of Social Studies   80. Sirry 2013, “Fatwas and Their Controversy”, p.
 freedom in Indonesia”, p. 10.  forced to return to the true teachings of   Research Paper, pp. 1-44.  108-109.

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