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in Utan Kayu, East Jakarta, only a few   the Hadith literally withoutusing reason   more formal legal force and are hence   belief, particularly when he addressed
 days after the fatwa had been issued.    or logic.  binding. The collaboration between   the Ahmadiyah case. For this reason,
 Criticism was also voiced by inclusive   A representative of the largest Muslim   both has led to the strengthening of   some peoplethink that the policies of the
 and liberal circles and Dawam Rahardjo   organization in Indonesia had the same   conservatism and radicalism. This   Ministry of Religious Affairs and the MUI
 pointed out that the fatwa had obviously   critique. Hasyim Muzadi, the general   can be seen, for example, in the   also have a bearing on the development
 upset and violated the freedom of   chairman of the NU at that time, asserted   emergence of religious leaders and   of the discourse on Islamic thinking in
 thought, the freedom of speech, and   that the fatwa of the MUI was a step   Islamic organizations that openly or   Indonesia.
 the freedom of religion, as well as the   backwards in the context of inter-religious   covertly support or condone acts that
 freedom of belief, all of which are the   relations in Indonesia. While Masdar   restrict and violate the principles of   Conclusion
 most basic human rights.  He also   Mas’udi, another NU leader, explicitly   religious freedom.  This group seems   The Ministry of Religious Affairs and
 pointed out that the definitions of the   demanded that the MUI revoke its fatwa   to display an ambivalent attitude about   the MUI are two institutions intimately
 three key concepts in the fatwa were   because it might trigger increasing   the disruption of religious harmony in   associated with religious issues in
 very problematic and misguiding.   violence in the name of religion. Criticism   Indonesia.It condemned terrorism but   Indonesia. The Ministry of Religious
 Azyumardi Azra, a Muslim intellectual   was also voiced by Christian circles.   did not have a similar attitude against   Affairs is a formal institution that takes
 and the Rector of the State Islamic   Franz Magnis-Suseno said that pluralism   religion-based violence related to   care of religious affairs and issues
 University Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta   is actually a very clear and very positive   sectarian conflicts and to disputes   policies related toreligion for all faiths in
 at the time, had the same critique   concept in the reality of diversity. He   concerning houses of worship. 86  Indonesia. The operational costs of the
 arguing that the MUI could not prohibit   thoughtthat the MUI’s definition of the   On the other side, the collaborative   ministry are born by the state’s budget.
 or discourage people to think, while   term pluralism was one typically given by   policies of the Ministry of Religion and   The MUI is a social organization of
 pluralism, liberalism, and secularism are   hardliner groups and that it would lead   the MUI have caused extended and   religious scholars, Muslim leaders, and
 not ideologies but ways of thinking.    to the instigation of the persecution of   profound discussions about Islamic   Indonesian Muslims intellectuals meant
 Azra thought that the MUI’s problematic   pluralists among Islamic groups. 84  thinking,  as seen in the debate between   to offer explanationsand legal decisions
 definitions of the three key terms in   Dawam Raharjo versus Ma’ruf Amin   on religious issues that arise within the
 the fatwa was caused by the MUI   These fatwas, especially those issued by   and Budhy Munawwar Rachman’s   Indonesian Muslim community. In the
 membership which was dominated by   the post-reform MUI leadership appear   verbal attack against Adian Husaini in   early phase of its establishment, the MUI
 groups that understand the Qur’an and   to be more concerned with politics, as   his book on the freedom of religion and   budget came from the state but since
 can be seen in the case of elections and
 81. Assyaukanie 2009, “Fatwa and Violence in   85. Martin van Bruinessen (ed.), 2013,   Gus Dur’s administration, the state no
 Indonesia”, p. 14. See also Sirry 2013, ‘Fatwas and   related fatwas on the rights of certain   Contemporary Developments in Indonesian Islam:   longer does so.
 Their Controversy’, p. 116.  groups. The fatwas of the MUI often   Explaining the Concervative Turn, (Singapore:
 82.  Dawam Rahardjo 2005, “Kala MUI   stimulate the issuance of new policies by   Institute of Southeast Asian Studies).  The two institutions have several things
 Mengharamkan Pluralisme”, Koran Tempo, August   86. Panggabean and Ali-Fauzi 2014, Pemolisian   in common. One is that both have the
 1, 2005.  the Ministry of Religious Affairs that have   Konflik, p. 4.
 83. Sirry 2013, “Fatwas and Their Controversy”, p.   84. Sirry 2013, “Fatwas and Their Controversy”, p.   87. Sirry 2013, “Fatwas and their Controversy”, p.   task to ensure that harmonious inter-
 113.  113.  115.                                religious relations are maintained to

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