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consequences of reform, these changes   aware of communisms’latent danger and   possible consequences (MUI 2002). The   Like the fatwa on corruption, the one
 seem to have been inter-related and to   it suggested the people unite to dispel   issuance of this fatwa did not seem to   on terrorism also did not receive much
 have reinforced each other. The MUI   this threat at all cost.  have any significant consequences on   public or mass media attention. The
 distanced itself from the government   The MUI’s distancing from the   both society and the governmentsince   reason was that the people probably
 because Abdurrahman Wahid’s   government and the growing influx   widespread corruption remained ever-  realized that the fatwa on terrorism had
 administration had terminated  state   of clerical institutions into the state-  present. Moreover, the fatwa failed to   not been issued whole heartedly, not
 funding. Gus Dur’s proposal to cancel   political discourse emerged from a   attract public attention and was barely   only because of the MUI’s incredibly slow
 the decision to prohibit communism and   discussed in the mass media or in the   response, but also because the MUI’s
 the ban of the PKI in force since 1966   fatwa presented to the government in   anti-corruption movement.  membership was dominated by Islamist
 and to state that it violated Human Rights   2002 against bribery, corruption, and   groups that adhered to fundamentalist
 and his proposal to open diplomatic   gratifications. The MUI had actually   After the 2001 World Trade Center   ideologies which in some cases even
 and economic relations with Israel   never issued a fatwa on this issue. As   bombing in the United States, rampant   overlapped with those of radical Islamist
 strengthened the MUI’s distancing from   stated above, initially, the MUI tended   acts of terrorism committed by radical   groups. Moreover, the MUI itself did not
 the government.  to be silent and even legitimized   Islamic groups that targeted the   have a program on its agenda to follow-
 government’s policies. In the era   Western-Pagan symbols in Indonesia
 Rejecting Gus Dur’s proposal to abrogate   Reformation, it reversed this reticent   drew much public attention, both   up the fatwa.
 the ban on communism and the PKI,   attitude. In the case of the fatwa on   nationally and internationally. In those   In 2010, the MUI was invited to
 the MUI issued two recommendations,   corruption, the MUI felt the urge to   cooperate with the National Counter
 which in essence contained a warning to   present itself as an organization that   years, tourist destinations, cafes,   Terrorism Agency (Badan Nasional
 the Indonesian people that Communist/  took part in the passionate changes   hotels and foreign embassies were   Penanggulangan Terorisme, BNPT) as
 Marxist-Leninist thoughts were anti-  that were taking place by responding to   among the targets of suicide bombings   a follow up of the MUI’s 2004 fatwa to
 God and anti-religion ideologies aimed   the people’s demands to end massive   ranging from the bombings in Kuta and   make a series of discourse programs
 to destroy the ethical and religious   corruption, bribery and gratifications   Legian, Bali, to the bomb attacks on the   (halaqah) on counter-terrorism in a
 principles contained in the Pancasila.   within the government. 68  Australian embassy and the J.W. Marriot   number of cities in the country.  Some
 It rejected all attempts to abort MPR   Hotel in Jakarta. The MUI responded   Islamic fundamentalist organizations
 Decree no. 15/1996, and it invited   Quoting some Qur’anic verses in   to these incidents fairly slowly and   such as Hizbut Tahrir Indonesia (HTI)
 the members of the DPR/MPR to act   addition to the opinions of various   only issued a fatwa in 2004. The   were against the program since it was
 wisely and not to forget the country’s   influential Muslim scholars, the MUI   fatwa on terrorism essentially aimed   thought to be an attempt to distort and
 miserablepast. In its second advice,   declared that both giving and receiving   at distinguishing terrorism from holy   manipulate Islam by way of utilizing
 the MUI declared that if the PKI   bribes and committing corruption were   war (jihad) and to the public the MUI   Muslim scholars. 70
 rebellion in 1965had succeeded, life   unlawful. Whether offering gratifications   underlined its decision that terrorism
 in the country, especially for religious   to government officials is unlawful or   was forbidden, especially the suicide   HTI objected to the conclusion of many
 communities,would have been very hard.   not depended on the context and its   bombings that occurred in Muslim   69. Bagir etal. 2011, Laporan Tahunan, p. 20.
 So it was important for Indonesians to be   68. Ichwan 2005, “Ulama, State and Politics”, p. 65.  majority countries like Indonesia.  70. Bagir etal. 2011, Laporan Tahunan, p. 20.

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