Page 13 - October 2018
P. 13

When he has fallen clear of the aeroplane he pulls a rip cord
                                                        which rips open the pack and lets out the parachute.  At first
                                                        there was tremendous controversy as to whether the static
                                                        line of free type was better.  It was argued in favor of the
                                                        static line type that nobody could be expected, unless he was
                                                        an experienced parachutist , to pull the rip cord at the right
                                                        moment, and that a pilot wounded in aerial battle might be
                                                        able to get out of the machine but unable to pull the rip cord
                                                        while he was falling.
                                                         For a time it looked as if the RAF would adopt the static line
                                                        type of parachute. But th matter was settled by practical
        AFTER THE FALL                                  experience in America.  The United States air service had
        One of the most intrepid and successful of modern   taken up free type parachutes and had obtained a good deal
        parachutists was John Transum, who is seen in this   of evidence of their value and trustworthiness.  Exhibitions
        photograph packing up his parachute after making one of his
        record-breaking jumps.  Interest in parachuting was largely   parachutists had allowed themselves to fall what seemed
        stimulated by the exploits of this intrepid Dane, who by 1931,   then to be great distances without pulling the rip cord, and
        had made 1400 jumps from aeroplanes.
                                                        had then been able to open their parachutes exactly when
                                                        they wished.
        The Guardian Angel was                                                       All previously held theories
        the make with which,                                                         about people losing
        perhaps most experience                                                      consciousness as they fell were
        had been obtained                                                            disproved, and, finally, the
        before the War, and the                                                      British Air Ministry adopted the
        type invented by Colonel                                                     Irvin Airchute, which was of
        Holt, was the next best                                                      American origin, and was the
        known.  Many successful                                                      type already in use in the U.S.
        drops were made with                                                         services.  This is a free type
        both types.  But the pack                                                    parachute, with silken canopy
        type was not operated in                                                     and cords and is carried in a
        the same way then as it is                                                   pack attached to the person,
        in the Royal Air Force.                                                      either at the back, or as a seat
        parachutes today.  During                                                    or even in the lap.  The rip cord
        the earlier experimental                                                     is a wire led through guides to a
        period, and in the                                                           convenient position and slipped
        German design the pack                                                       into a small pocket either over
        was attached to the                                                          the heart or at the hip.  The hi[
        aeroplane by a “Static                                                       position is now the more
        Line”                                                                        general, but at first the heart
        In the free type used                                                        position was always used.  At
        today the experimenter                                                       the end of the cord is  a large
        jumps clear of the                                                           ring, which is easily seized and

        aeroplane, wearing the              THE RING THAT SPELLS SAFETY              pulled when the time comes.
        parachute in its pack, and   The majority of parachutes today are of the free type, ie. They   From the time of introduction
        falls without being         are not connected to the aeroplane by a “static line”  of cord or
                                    wire which, on being pulled taut by the parachutist’s falling   of the Irvin Airchute,
        connected in any way
                                    body, opens the parachute, but are completely independent   experience in the use of
        with the aeroplane          units, carried in a pack and operated by means of a rip cord   parachutes  was rapidly
                                    attached to a large ring.  The appearance of the fee type is well
                                    shown in this photograph.                        accumulated in the R.A.F.
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