Page 18 - October 2018
P. 18

It has been argued that it would be
                                                                                 impossible to evacuate the cabin of a
                                                                                 commercial machine quickly enough in an
                                                                                 emergency for the parachutes to be of any
                                                                                 use, and it has also been said that the
                                                                                 provision of parachutes for the passengers
                                                                                 might have the disastrous effect of
                                                                                 precipitating a panic at a critical moment.

                                                                                 Nevertheless, special seat type parachutes
                                                                                 have been made which are intended for
                                                                                 use in commercial aeroplanes, and there
                                                                                 seems a probability that eventually
                                                                                 parachutes will be fitted for long distance
                                                                                 high flying machines, at any rate.  Private
                                                                                 aeroplane owners made little use of
                                                                                 parachutes, and, again, it may be that the
                                                                                 possibilities of using them are small.
                                                                                 Parachutes have been known to open
                                                                                 from a height of only 150 to 2—feet, and
                                                                                 Major Orde Lees made a successful jump
                                                                                 from the Tower Bridge in 1919, the height
                                                                                 being 165 feet; but in the ordinary way a
                                                                                 clear 500feet is necessary.

                                                                                 An interesting sidelight upon parachuting
                                                                                 is the Caterpillar Club, which is composed
                                                                                 of people who have used a parachute to
                                                                                 save their lives.  The idea is that the
                                                                                 caterpillar, when it falls, saves itself with
                                                                                 silken threads, and the airman with his
                                                                                 parachute does the same.. The scheme
                                                                                 has been fostered by Mr. L. Irving, who is
                                                                                 the inventor of the “Irvin” parachute used
                                                                                 in the RAF and a small golden caterpillar,
                                                                                 made in the form of a tie-pin, is given to
                                                                                 each member.  At the beginning of 1930
                                                                                 there were over 200 members, and by
                                                                                 now the figure has greatly increased.

                  RUSSIA FILLS THE AIR                                                                       Photos” Planet News   In learning to use a parachute, members
        In no country is parachuting so popular as in Soviet Russia, where of late years large numbers of   of the Royal Air Force are
        young people of both sexes have taken up the new and adventurous pastime with avidity.
        Above is seen a “mass jump” of 150 Russian parachutists near Moscow

        Ration and small arms ammunition                                         READY TO DROP
        be  parachute  when  the  ground
        wasa    impassable    for   motor                                        The parachutist’s first jump always seems the worst,
                                                                                 But the novice in this photograph - a young Russian
        transport.  The dropping was done                                        girl worker at a metallurgical plant at Tula – is
        by  aerplanes  of  the  RFC.    But                                      smiling bravely as she clambers out on to the wing
        parachutes  have  so  far  not  been                                     preparatory to her plunge into space.
        used for commercial aeroplanes
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