Page 22 - October 2018
P. 22

2018 Edmonton Air Show

                                                                                     Photos and story by Ralf Wermann

        The Edmonton Airshow was back for the fourth year in a   On both days of the airshow, COPA (Canadian Owners and
        row and it was exciting to see the line-up of performers   Pilots Association) for Kids, took one lucky “Kid” on a
        and all the aircraft that were scheduled to appear at the   demonstration flight.
        show!  In past years the event showcased a good variety
        of Aerobatic performers, jets, vintage aircraft and
        Warbirds from across Canada and the United States and
        this year promised to be another spectacular event.  This
        year’s event took place over the weekend of August 18
        and 19th at the Villeneuve Airport, located north-west of
        Three historic aircraft, a Grumman F8F Bearcat, TBM-3E
        Avenger and B-25D Mitchell Bomber “Grumpy” from the
        Historic Flight Foundation (which is located at Paine Field
        near Mukilteo, Washington) were scheduled to appear at
        the airshow.  At the Abbotsford Airshow the previous
        weekend a 1930s era deHaviland Dragon Rapide bi-plane
        from the Historic Flight Foundation was involved in a   Robert Whitley of Whitley Flight Services Inc. was the pilot
        crash that injured five people.  John Sessions the pilot   flying an RV-6A.
        who is also the owner and  founder the Historic Flight   The show opener for the Saturday show was a fly-by of a
        Foundation was seriously injured in the accident.     beautifully painted Boeing 737 from Flair Air.
        Because of the accident, the Historic Flight Foundation
        withdrew from the Edmonton Airshow.  In their place,
        aircraft from the Erikson Collection (located in Madras,
        Oregon) a FM-2 Wildcat, F6F-4N Hellcat and P-51
        Mustang, were to appear.  However, because of the thick
        smoke blanketing much of southern BC and Alberta,
        reduced visibility preventing these aircraft from
        attending.  The Jet Warbirds, with their MiG 17-F, MiG-
        15B and FJ-4 Fury, were also to appear at the airshow but
        found themselves in a similar situation where they were
        hampered by the smoke from the wildfires.
        To add to the disappointment, 3 Battalion of the Princess
        Patricia’s Canadian Light Infantry (PPCLI) were scheduled
        to parachute from a C-130H Hercules.  However because   Geoff Latter flew a graceful aerobatic display in “Nancy”,
        of the state of emergency with the wildfires in British   a Nanchang CJ-6A designed and built in China from The
        Columbia, the jump was canceled and the troops were   Peoples’ Republic of China Airforce.
        called to assist with firefighting.
        The sky over Villeneuve on Friday was blanketed with a
        thick layer of smoke from the wildfires burning in British
        Columbia.  Flight visibility was below the allowable limit
        of 3 miles for aerobatics and it was questionable if the
        show would be a go.  However, overnight thunderstorms
        and rain helped to clear the smoke enough for the
        airshow to proceed as scheduled!  The situation with the
        smoke and weather turned to be out better than hoped
        for both days of the show.

                                                                         Geoff with Prairie Planes reporter Ralf Wermann
                                                              Geoff announced that the 2018 airshow season would be
                                                              the last time he would be performing with his “Nancy”.
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