Page 27 - October 2018
P. 27

five-year contract, it is proposed that WASCO will
                                                             appoint a qualified Airport Manager who will be based
                                                             primarily in Winnipeg but will travel on-site as required
                                                             to support the operation.  Main priorities for the Airport
                                                             Manager include rectifying current regulatory
                                                             deficiencies, primarily due to a lack of designated Airport
                                                             Manager but also due to other Transport Canada
                                                             regulatory findings.  As a result, WASCO is tasked with
                                                             updating all regulatory programs including the Airport
        RCAC MEMBER AIRPORT PROFILE: The Pas (CYQD),  Operations Manual, Safety Management System,
        MB The Town of The Pas was incorporated in 1912.   Emergency Response Plan, Wildlife Management and
        The Town’s name has been altered several times       Airport Maintenance Program. WASCO will also engage
        over many years.  It was initially known as          with Transport Canada to rehabilitate aging airport
        W’passkwayaw then switched to Opasquia and is        equipment and infrastructure through the Airports
        now known as The Pas.  Prior to the incorporation    Capital Assistance Program (ACAP) and continue to
        of the Town of The Pas, the Town was governed by  pursue passenger and revenue growth opportunities.
        a northern government service which stretched as
                                                             Although WASCO is capable of taking over the entire
        far as Churchill Manitoba and was run by a single
                                                             airport operation, this hybrid solution which provides
        administrator.  Prior to the incorporation, there    experienced airport management services to
        was no Mayor or Council and all decisions of the
                                                             supplement local resources while also maintain local
        community were made by one independent               control of the airport through the Town and Council. In
        employee. The Pas Airport is a certified airport
                                                             the case of The Pas Airport, the core airport operation
        located 18 km northeast of the Town of The Pas,
                                                             was solid, it was only missing airport management
        Mantioba. Dimensions of the paved and lighted        expertise which is now being provided by WASCO
        main runway 13/31 is 5901’ X 150’.  Transport
                                                             through the long-term services contract.  There exists a
        Canada classifies The Pas Airport in the
                                                             number of similar examples throughout Canada where
        regional/local category under The National Airports   this hybrid airport management solution may be viable.
        Policy.  WASCO (Winnipeg Airport Services Corp.) is
        contracted to act as Airport Manager and provide
        Technical Services to the Town of The Pas.
        The Pas Airport is a regional airport located
        approximately 525km northwest of the Winnipeg
        International Airport providing twice-daily
        scheduled passenger service to residents of the
        Town of The Pas, the Opasquia Cree Nation and
        other surrounding communities.  In 2017 WASCO
        was approached by the Town of The Pas to provide
        Airport Management and Technical Services to
        support the on-going management, administration
        and continuous development of the operation of
        the airport.  The airport remains under ownership
        and operation of the Town of The Pas, with all staff

        except the Airport Manager being Town of The Pas
        Staff.  Due to the difficulty in attracting a qualified
        Airport Manager in The Pas and under increased
        regulatory pressure from Transport Canada, the
        Town of The Pas reached out to WASCO to identify
        an alternative solution.  During this
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